This photo datée of 1933 est exraite de jw events on which is little contestable that the motocyclette was one of the moyen of transport privileged of Etudiants of the Bible today connu under a other nom
my wife's family rode motorcycles all their life.
her grandfather was an elder.
i was told by some dubbers that it was not christian to use a motorcycle.
This photo datée of 1933 est exraite de jw events on which is little contestable that the motocyclette was one of the moyen of transport privileged of Etudiants of the Bible today connu under a other nom
my wife's family rode motorcycles all their life.
her grandfather was an elder.
i was told by some dubbers that it was not christian to use a motorcycle.
i was just wondering if there is any official rules on dealing with this.
a sister in the congregation is planning to divorce her husband who is also a witness so she can marry a different brother in the same hall!
yes this is a huge scandal!
For some of us, have we become more rigorous than the followers or leaders of the Watch Tower?
What these couples do with their lives is their business and it is not this kind of commentary that makes the authors grow up. These couples that form, break up with the consequences or happiness this belongs to them and we do not have to give any opinion on their choice.
To love is also to admit that the other has reasons to act that we are not in a position to judge otherwise we become worse than those we have left to live our freedom and we should not hinder even in thought to say anything about what we think is right or wrong for them except to be happy (even if it does not last)
With kind regards to all of you
Translated with
2019 circuit assembly videos.
pioneer meeting with elders.
be bold circuit assembly .
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Je viens de supprimer ce document mais j'espère que vous avez pu le télécharger autrement ... dans un message privé. Marcial
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2019-02-02-musical preludes
s-21-e congregation's publisher record (2018-12).pdf
Merci .
2018-03-31-general data protection regulation in seldom worked territories and reminders for personal data sheet!.
Merci beaucoup Atlantis !
2018-3-21-boe, special preaching campaign in ireland.!.