20571pnt428571 wrote - The 100 year Christians, first century, were held in a unity by the power of spirit in the last Bible writers, the apostles. John said they acted as a restraint, EVEN with them, Satan and imperfection worked hard to break the unity.
I realise that we can all imagine things as if they are fantasy, and I understand that many novels, books and movies are made from such but can you back this above claim up with anything to support such a notion? The Bible is clear when it says that this is not true. Please re-read my post above for the Biblical support for the fact that the Church cannot die out because Jesus told us otherwise.
20571pnt428571 wrote - So for basically 1700-1900 years we can see Christendom turned into a group who no longer kept the legal covenant which the apostles were the first in, the New Covenant, the Kingdom Covenant. This was and is, a legally binding agreement between Jesus and the 144000, starting with the FAITHFUL apostles, of which the man of lawlessness was sent away, as Satan's.
Define Christendom for me. Is it not true that a bias exists between your view of what is Christendom and others? I believe Jehovah's Witnesses are the AntiChrist and that they are working for Satan. How do you define Apostasy and those that are led by Satan?
20571pnt428571 wrote - So today, a hard to keep unity, but kept none the less, is amongst Jehovah's witnesses, and within them is those who publicly proclaim, and have explained the meaning, of the New Covenant they are completing in membership the last of the 144000, LEGALLY.
Show me in the Bible, or otherwise historically throughout the ages that the religion of the Watchtower Bible and Tract society is LEGALLY in the covenant to be the church of Christ, and is in the New Covenant.
Could Christendom really ever be ones discerning that body? And refuting the little flock of Jehovah's choosing?
No. They are in the dark, by transgressing that covenant.
You write like the WTBS Publishing Corporation. Can you provide some support for this claim or should we just go on belief alone? No one can argue just belief. I'll give you an example. Jehovah's Witnesses cannot be the true Church of Christ because their organisation did not begin until 1879. Christ's church (organisation) has been long lasting and cannot be broken for all eternity until His second coming. There, you see....that's easy. I just did what you did without any support Biblically or otherwise. Ain't that fun.
Amazing that Jehovah's first ministry, and his last ministry, are roughly 100 years long. Even with holy spirit, it is very difficult to keep Adamic children in line. And that I believe is why Jehovah knows this is to be a short ministry, leading to an everlasting ministry, the 144000 with Jesus at the helm. Any longer, and it would be difficult, if not impossible to maintain unity in Adamic human systems. IMO
My response is this is more opinion than anything.
Great timing on God's part, and the completion to incorruptible perfection and immortality will be God's final organization enacted in covenant agreement for this specific purpose, of 1Cor15:24-28, which is removal of death, from human systems - LEGALLY. All fully clarified in 100 years to approval, and 1000 years to perfection of also this realm, and removal of ALL of God's enemies, Satan and death being one massive conquest.
My response again is that these statements are nothing but unsubstantiated rhetoric.
Jehovah's witnesses are the last organization of God in imperfect man, and they will deliver the remnant (144000) as a single flock to the last man, they are also the channel of the knowledge God gives to ONLY those in the legally binding agreement his son instituted on earth, for a Kingdom, by new creation. Gal6:15-16
The Last Century Christians
Seriously whoever you are you can't write like this an expect anyone to take you seriously. If you are a JW then I seriously doubt that you educate (indoctrinate) people in their homes like this. Today people just don't take opinions at face value and expect them to be fact.
So my question to you is, are these teachings yours or anothers? Why should anyone believe them? What sources and support can you provide to back them up? Or are you here just for a bit of glory and want to move on? If you are a JW then at the very least quote your sources from your own publishing company.
Take care