Dear angel.face,
I am happy you are taking some steps to see the Watchtower for what it is. I remember my leaving and how it affected me and my marriage. I'll save that for another time but needless to say living a life of cognitive dissidence is tuff on the body.
I studied psychology and medicine after getting out and can assure you your health is in danger.
Here are some things you can do to ease out of that world. You can talk to a therapist. Some communities have therapists that work for the public at low rates based on income. You can also find volunteer counselors at local churches. Don't worry they don't push religion on you but can be a great person to bounce ideas off of.
Do you have family outside of the Watchtower that you could confide in? Talk with them about it if you feel comfortable. Start making new friends at this point so that if you are DA'd or DF'd in the future you will have replaced those ones you currently have that are conditional based on performance.
Take up a hobby or class and network again with non witnesses and encourage your kids to do this at school. It also seems that when some people are hurt by the religion they tend to have problems relating to God. If you feel okay you might try praying to God about how you feel. Tell Him to help you and make your paths better.
Finally, if you feel your health is just going to slip I say run and come 'out' of the closet all at once. I am speaking about this because I suffered a nervous breakdown and couldn't cope. In the end I realised I could not continue. Both my brain and body said enough was enough. This was even before I read anything negative of the religion. I was physically taken out the hard way.
Peace to you and hope all goes well. I'll pray for you.