I want to thank all of you for the comments and advice. Here is what I have decided to do.
A third party who is a Witness my friend knows will contact him. I have an old phone number that i hope is still valid. I have given that number to the contact. This contact is someone my friend likes and trusts, but they have not talked to each other in a long time. I am hoping that getting a phone call will induce my friend to open up. My contact will ask my friend for his current address, saying he wants it to stay in touch. He will also talk about me and the friendship we had. In that way he can discern if additional contact by me would be wise.
If it is, then I will take the advice several of you have offered and send him a letter which I have already drafted. I open by saying how much I miss him and what a great friendship we had, a friendship first made thirty years ago. But then I will tell him that I am still disfellowshipped and won't be returning. I believe I should do this so that there is no chance of a misunderstanding on either side. I am out, and have no intention of ever returning. I give him a brief outline of the reasons I won't come back, simply stating that by reading the Society's old publications that are online I have concluded that it never was appointed the "faithful and discreet slave" in 1919 or any year thereafter. I then say that the Society's actions against dissidents who have pointed out errors in its chronology also convinced me that it was not divinely supported.
After that, I remind him of all the good things we have done together and shared during our long friendship. I then tell him how we can stay in touch via phone, snail mail, or e-mail--if he so desires this. I conclude by saying that my love for him is strong and without fear and I hope he will be able to think about what I have said and throw fear outside as 1 John 4:18 urges us. I will only send the letter if I get an indication that he will at lesat read it.
That's where matters stand now. I'll keep you all "in the loop" with respect to the outcome. Thanks once again to all of you for your concern, thoughts, and counsel.