Posts by Sabin
dissonant have you checked these dreams out? They are very detailed, that's very interesting. -
What I said to an Elder and the matter was dropped.
by Simon Templar ini decided to tell this small story.. about 25 years ago, we lived in a certain area in the usa and associated with the local congregation there.
coincidently, one of the elders was the assistant congregation servant in a different kh and congregation which i grew up in.
therefore, we knew one another well.
Dissonant, I love people with a pattern of crude humour.
Anthony Morris explains how God gives Decrees to man! New video edit.
by Wasanelder Once ini took the most recent video on "obey" and edited it down to its core.
here tony explains that the decisions of the faithful slave are arrived at "collectively" but are not a "collection" of man made decisions.
it would be comical if it weren't so sad.. tony video.
Anthony Morris the Turd, Americas next President.
Yes Anthony you are quite right the GB does habitually state their opinions in a forceful & arrogant manner. That's what dogmatic means. You twat.
Is the WT SLOW-ly Changing the importance of the Door to Door preaching work to something more profitable?
by John Aquila inits been a couple of weeks since a new c.o.
was appointed to the circuit and im starting to hear tidbits of his talks..
one brother told me that in one of his talks he asked the question; .
Can you believe what will happen if they stop doing this D2D the amount of literature that is needed will drop significantly which means less people at bethel. They will start outing the oldies for the young web designers. That is so sad, it must be very scary for the older ones especially now they have been told about the new generation change`s, they will die before the end. They will be the ones sitting manning the carts or sitting in care homes. I don't know which is worse. -
The bridge burning has begun.
by sparrowdown ini was feeling particularly hopeless about the whole jws being assholes thing and sick to death of pretending so ....
i rang my sister and told her that i no longer believe jws have the truth and the phone went silent, when i asked her to say something she just said if that was the case then she would have to hang up on me and then proceeded to indeed hang up..
so i texted her back immediately with fu..
Go Sparrow, Go Sparrow, Good for you girl. The right way to get of a burning building is to go through any door with an exit sign above it, & that's what you have done. Be proud of your own courage. -
OOLALA, It`s so nice to meet you.
I love the pink panther movies.
I don't love eating snails.
I`m so excited
by Sabin inhello my new found friends, i wanted to share my excitement with you all.
i got my new book today, hurray!
combating cult mind control, (steven hassan) it`s the new 25th addition & i`ve been waiting weeks for it to arrive.
Millie you were already talking about it on the forum? I missed that, where? -
What is the most bizarre counsel you received as a JW, from a JW?
by Funchback inthere were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
I have to say this particular sister is a bit simple so it`s not entirely her fault but it was funny.
I was standing in a circle of mature sisters & one of them asked if this beautiful young sister had, had her eyebrow`s waxed & how lovely she looked. I piped up " you could put her in a sack & she would still look good, she`s so beautiful,"
The simple sister said " yeah but after she`s had a couple of kid`s she`s gonna look just like her mother," who just happened to be a bit weighty the other sisters just stood dumb founded while I cracked up cause I thought it was so funny.
For those of you that are disfellowshipped, How Far Would Your Faithfull JW Family Go To Stay Loyal to The WT?
by John Aquila inive seen jw parents shun their disfellowshipped children for 20-30 years.
ive seen parents remove disfellowshipped or fader children from wills and give the inheritance to the watchtower..
if your country got run over by some form of government like the nazi regime and started a process of eliminating any groups or individuals who it considered a threat.
truthseeker, yes be true to yourself. I`m sorry that happened to you with your father it is disgraceful. -
For those of you that are disfellowshipped, How Far Would Your Faithfull JW Family Go To Stay Loyal to The WT?
by John Aquila inive seen jw parents shun their disfellowshipped children for 20-30 years.
ive seen parents remove disfellowshipped or fader children from wills and give the inheritance to the watchtower..
if your country got run over by some form of government like the nazi regime and started a process of eliminating any groups or individuals who it considered a threat.
This is amost interesting subject & each situation is different my own thought on this by observing others & listening to my own heart is that they are wrong in the general sense. Both John & Fisherman put forth good arguments, however the JDub`s take on shunning goes beyond what I believe would be exceptable to Jesus. I have said before that when one of my own kid`s went before the elders I made it quite clear that they could sod off if they thought I would shun, they can DF me also. The reason was because in my whole being I knew it to be wrong. Some parents have no problem`s turning their back on their kid`s in fact they are quite boastful of their loyalty to the Borg. This I have observed is generally the attitude of parents who were controlling to begin with (arseholes). Have a narcissistic disposition However the one`s who love their kid`s from their hearts struggle, sleepless nights, tears, stress, guilt ridden. WHY? I believe that not only are they pushed to shun their loved one`s but also because they are going against their own consciences & therefore also struggle to have freedom of speech before God, this is something that no-one should demand of another. They have made the sacrifice of Jesus invalid with their demanding extremes, & are forcing members of the cong to be faithful to the organization over God.