Hello Grags, it is so nice to meet you. How appropriate your avatar is for this time of the year. Your a Christmas tree.
Posts by Sabin
Hi noobie here.
by Grags inhi my name is graham (but i much prefer to be called grags), i'm a 38 year old married man from the uk and have been studying with the witnesses for about 3 months.
i do a study every saturday and love every minute.
in john 6: 16-24 jesus's disciples get onto a boat without jesus and set off.
What would happen ??
by Clambake inthere is a certain elder in my wives hall that has seemed to developed a real interest her.
first he seemed to feel a need to make sure all her blood cards were signed before she gave birth to our child.. he sends her text messages if she misses a meeting saying how much " we missed you last night ".
he finally sent her a text wondering where her oct hours were , knowing she had some pretty serious tears from child birth and could hardly even walk, much less do field service ".
clam bake, if he text's her again she needs to send a message back asking him to speak with you, or just ignore the message. But really if you are uncomfortable about it then you need to say so. You could phone him & record the chat so you have some back up if he gets funny about stuff. What ever you choose to do go with your gut feeling bout him & put a stop to it sooner than later. May be he has become a little infatuated with her, sometimes when a man looks at a couple who are happy they can think "if I just have that woman then I will be as happy as her husband"' they don't get that the wife is who she is because of the man she's married to. I could be wrong I don't know his situation, I do know JW can be very jealous of other peoples happiness because their lives in this religion are so negative. Protect your wife. Congrats on your new beautiful baby.
New Light: Don't hold hands during prayers
by RR infrom the watchtower november 15 study edition.. 19 when we are being represented in public prayer, we need to display reverential "fear of god.
" (1 pet 2:17) there may be a proper time and place for some actions that would be inappropriate at a christian meeting.
(eccl 3:1) for instance, suppose someone sought to have all in a group link arms or hold hands during prayer.
They don't say a husband & wife cant hold hands, they are just asking them to do so discreetly. I get this, my husband & I are very touchy feely couple, I'm always being hugged & kissed & boy have we had some hassel with sister's who's husbands would rather go door banging then be at home with them. They used to think it was their God given right to hold my husbands hand if they could. It used to drive me insane, & I wasn't having any of it. Then of course there was the situation of having 2 beautiful teenage daughters who were told in no uncertain terms the only man to hold their hands were their papa. Some of the older brothers are creepy, married & not happy to be with their older wife, used it as an excuse to get close to the younger sisters. We had one in the cong 50 years chasing around a beautiful 18 year old sis. It got so bad that the police had to get involved. Nope I'm afraid I'm all for the keep your God dam hands to yourself unless your married to the person or it's your own children. Sorry folk's.
"super-pioneer" (attempted "funny" parody video..)
by stuckinarut2 inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cg-j3kuw9ii.
oh dear.......
wasn't he wearing tight pants? hope Morris the turd doesn't see this or he'll find himself at a JC hearing. -
Long Story of my Life/Experience
by GrownMidget inalso, my wife has come to her limits of understanding me about the witnesses related grief i have been having.
she has told me many times to stop reading the ex-witness sites because i get depressed and become angry, which sadly is true.
it's not very productive to be sad throughout the entire day and then shout at your wife for the reason she has no first hand experience about, therefore how could she possibly know and help?
Wow Grownmidget, what an amazing story, so glad that you have found your way out & found some happiness in your life. Welcome to the forum, it's nice to meet you. You have a lot of courage. Big Hug. -
by Pioneerbot inwanted to say hi.
i've been lurking for a long time.
i also spend time on other forums.
Hello Pioneerbot, how nice to meet you. Another Ozzy here, we are a friendly bunch of chaps you know. -
Is it true? Heard a rumor WT postphones Disfellowshipping until further notice!!??
by Olivia Wilde ini am not sure if it's true but i heard from a good source that wt has given instructions to elders to postponed disfellowshipping members from wrong doing/gross sin until further instructions given by headquarters.
i heard some jws were just reproved either privately or publically.
has anyone else heard anything like this recently?
Maybe he said that is what they should do, as opposed to that's what they are doing, & you missed heard.
Morpheus is right, I think shunning is going to get worse & they are becoming more cruel towards those that leave.
One Year Later - A Thank You to Tony Morris.
by cappytan indear anthony morris, iii:.
i wanted to send you a note of "thanks" on this special day.. why is this day special, you may ask?
one year ago today, you, tony, woke me up to the fact that the governing body could not have jehovah's blessing or direction.. last year, on november 8th & 9th, 2014, the united states branch visit was broadcast to over 1,000,000 jehovah's witnesses across the country.. as i sat at the kingdom hall listening to the "historic occasion," i was ignoring certain doubts that had surfaced in the few months prior.
So those pants that Chris Pine is wearing is what he is talking about? I don't get what is wrong with them, am I missing something where are they tight. What about thin brothers you cant stick them in big pants they would look stupid. Do you think he fell over & banged his head?. -
Pop Trivia
by Simon inso many serious topics lately ... so for anyone who wants a break, it's trivia time and the subject is pop music.. which act is the only one to have a top 100 hit both before, during and after the beatles had theirs?.
no googling.
if you guess, you also need to add a trivia question for others to answer..
Q, How many number one hit's has Status Quo had in the U.K.? -
Pop Trivia
by Simon inso many serious topics lately ... so for anyone who wants a break, it's trivia time and the subject is pop music.. which act is the only one to have a top 100 hit both before, during and after the beatles had theirs?.
no googling.
if you guess, you also need to add a trivia question for others to answer..
Wildthing, Nat King Cole & Natalie Cole. We think.