Label licker, Yes you do have a right to feel sad & angry & every one on here supports you. This has been a trigger for you that has brought back terrible feelings. Nerd in the brain, is not trying to hurt you personally & I have to say really has only one experience to speak of with the JW's. When some-one hasn't been exposed to the bigger picture (which isn't their fault) what else can they say. In general I find that in any organization there will be the righteous & unrighteous, then the small group of the GOOD who are more concerned with the un-justices brought on others more so than on themselves.
Nerd in the Brain, thank you for taking the time to explain yourself that was kind. I do hope after reading Label lickers experience you can find some room in your heart to understand her response. And may I suggest that you ask your friend to show you the October 2012 policies on chid abuse within the JW organization. Then you will have a better idea of which group your friends truly are in (righteous/un-righteous/good). You will probably find they don't know anything about these policies, because the top dogs in the org have a habit of lying by omission to the lowly members. I am glad that you have found some good friends wether JW's or no.