We looked after a dog for a couple who went on holiday in what I can only describe as snake heaven. In the middle of summer, humidity in the 90's in a house that has a tin roof & no air-conditioning. You would open the door to see Eastern Browns, Taipans, Red bellies all snakes, all venomous. So I go to bed leaving my hubby watching t.v. Just dozing off when he starts shouting, so I run down stairs just as he is coming up with his arms out stretched to protect me, swearing his head off. As he had been watching t.v. a snake went through his legs, he froze until it had passed. Cause he only had the light from the t.v. & a small lamp we couldn't see it properly only that it was about 6 foot, & the dog wouldn't go near it. So we got in the truck, left everything unlocked & on & drove home.
The next day thinking it was most likely a Python we went back looking for it. We pulled everything out even the oven, no sign. In the main living area there was a big book shelf with a big bowl on the top & my hubby decided that it was in there. So, he got a stick reached up & gently tapped on the bowl. He was right, it was in the book shelf, but not in the bowl. I saw his whole body go stiff, he turned his head & with a pale face & eye's like saucers said "I found the Snake" it was on the shelf by his head looking straight at him, thank God it was a python. It was so funny I just cracked up laughing at him. Some-one we know who keeps them came & got her & we decided we would take the dog back to our place to sleep. I have to say though she was beautiful.