You a very dutiful son Stan, they always act so surprised when someone that they think is worldly does something nice. They are the only true Christians. HA. You put them to shame.
Hope your Dad is doing o.k.
my 94 year old jw dad is now in hospital--i visit him every day.. in the opposite corner of the ward were a group of visitors to an oldish chap.
my dub-dar caught words like kingdom hall and watchtower from the rather loud voiced woman i took to be the patients wife.
she also mentioned a dub by name ive known for 40+years--so i guessed they are in the local congregation to my dad.. as i was leaving--the woman said to me--"what a loving --dutiful son i am.
You a very dutiful son Stan, they always act so surprised when someone that they think is worldly does something nice. They are the only true Christians. HA. You put them to shame.
Hope your Dad is doing o.k.
ever notice how most jws use the titles "brother" and "sister"?
in my experience, 99% of the time it was not a term of endearment.
it was actually a term of formality very much like "mister", "mrs.", "miss" or "ms.".
the gestapo body, brought out a brochure, i believe it was called return to jehovah.
in it they gave 3 reasons why some-one left the borganization.
if i remember 1 was because the person is angry at some one in the cong, or something along those lines.
my lawd... filthy britain.. as many as 450,000 children are thought to have been abused in england in the two years up to march 2014, according to a major new report.. some 50,000 cases of sexual abuse were recorded by police and local authorities during this period, but the office of the childrens commissioner (occ) believes this is a major underestimate.. a study by the occ found that around 85 percent of sexually abused young people are not receiving help and treatment.
the gestapo body, brought out a brochure, i believe it was called return to jehovah.
in it they gave 3 reasons why some-one left the borganization.
if i remember 1 was because the person is angry at some one in the cong, or something along those lines.
The Gestapo Body, brought out a brochure, I believe it was called Return to Jehovah. in it they gave 3 reasons why some-one left the Borganization. If I remember 1 was because the person is angry at some one in the cong, or something along those lines. I stand to be corrected of course. Cant even begin to know the other 2.
Does any-one know? PLEASE.
i was out with my 4 dogs last night around 10:30 under a bright moon.
it was frosty (-4 c).
i heard some noise in the field behind my house (my backyard is a national forest).
the above is a quote from a jw female relative.
this was in response to a discussion about the suffragette movement ( and the movie about it that's currently in cinemas).
she seemed to think that it would be so much better if women were just daughters/ wives/ mothers and didn't go out to work and have career's?
JUST mothers a, Only Spartan women give birth to Spartan warriors.
If you want liberation as a woman don't marry an arsehole. Of course women are not equal to men, we are above them.
Seriously joking aside, a lot of it comes down to individual personalities. I'm all for women having a career if that is what they want. There is always an upside & a down side to every situation it just comes down to what you want to sacrifice.
I worked with kid's & I saw a lot of career women get to 35 & suddenly say "oh I want a baby" but they don't get a baby, they get a human being that they are now responsible for, for the rest of their lives. They cant deal with having to come second, so at 6 weeks old they stick with a child minder, I tell you these kids are stunted emotionally. Then again I've seen young mum's who cant give up the partying & the out come is the same. I think a good mother does the best she can at putting the needs of her kid's first in the circumstances she's in. For me sacrificing that time with my children & husband was a no no. If I could turn the clock back would I do it any different, NO. But that's just me, I wouldn't think less of some else cause they chose differently.
I think the suffragettes were amazing, & I'm gonna go see that film.
recently i heard through video link to our kh a talk by bro loesch where he attacked university study (again) but this time he prefaced his remarks by saying, and i quote, "the faithful slave does not forbid you to go to university.
" so this was a bad start as his following remarks made it clear that this was just a way of seeming reasonable while basically saying that we shouldn't do it.
he went on to use an illustration i think he has used before about a man with ocd who decided to kill himself.
Didn't they send that guy, something Toole that testified at the ARC to uni at the expense of the donation given by the rank & file to become a lawyer?
Oh I'm sorry, we cant judge him, the motives were good. He can help get child molesters off with a slap on their wrist so they can go right back serving in the cong's molesting more kid's.
And why? I hear you cry. The last brother who was their lawyer left to become a minister for the C of E, cause he was so disgusted by their cover up's.
here is something that i don't get, the wtbts bangs on bout the value of life & how we shouldn't take chances with it cause it would be disrespectful to jah.
g. yeah, like parachuting/sky diving/speeding & all that.
however, they say naf all about surfing do they.
O.k. here is something that I don't get, the WTBTS bangs on bout the value of life & how we shouldn't take chances with it cause it would be disrespectful to JAH. G. yeah, like parachuting/sky diving/speeding & all that. However, they say naf all about surfing do they. How many people get hurt or die/eaten, I mean there's been a hell of a lot of sharks off the coast of Australia recently, so why aren't they on the stage saying to the bros "now you know bros with all these recent shark attacks you may wanna consider doing more in the mino rather then spending time in the surf, as it's proving to be dangerous. Consider how disrespectful your being to Jah"
But no, nothing. You know why? cause they would lose half the bro's in Australia. I bet if you asked them they would say "Well it's a conscience matter".
You know what I say to that "so is masturbation"
*** g74 11/8 ***9 is this the time to have children?there has always been a positive attitude about childbearing.
*** g74 11/8 10 is this the time to have children?
what does imminent mean?
you can adopt me if you like, I don't have any parents, they didn't want me. So you see having parents isn't all its cracked up to be. Don't be sad, smile.big hug.