They are Chameleons changing their colour to suit their environment in order to survive, thus using natures protection they can remain invisible to their enemies, yet sneak up on unsuspecting insects. They are the perfect invisible predator. They hide who they really are & mask their true intentions from their victims for long periods of time. They make use of the fact that for most people the delivery of the message is more important than it`s content. A confident, aggressive delivery packed with fancy jargon, clichés makes up for the lack of sincerity coupled with the believe that they are truly special beyond everyone else & thus deserving they have no conscience about taking what they want, what effect their decisions will have on others, especially those at the bottom of the pile who in their opinion will not be getting through Armageddon anyway. Narcissistic people will worry for the attention they will take from them, anxious people will find them comforting many will find them exciting to be around.
High IQ - some of them sure.
Stupid - No. They are to calculating to be stupid.
Luck - I doubt it. If you know how to play the card game & know the cards that the others hold & are prepared to cheat, need I say more.
How ever you look at it honest people wether they stay or leave are aware that something is very wrong at the top.