Philippians 2:9-11. For this very reason also God exalted him to a superior position & kindly gave him the name that is above every other name, so that in the name of JESUS every knee should bend of those in the heaven & those on the earth & those under the ground, & every tongue should openly acknowledge that JESUS CHRIST is LORD to the glory of God the Father".
I don't think a God of love is going to be that bothered if his name is pronounced accurately or not. He gave us Jesus for a reason didn't he, isn't it his name we should be acknowledging to God's glory. JDub's go on & on about it cause they think it makes them superior to others, they have put themselves on a peddle-stool.
Mad Irishman the reason X-JDub's get annoyed isn't the name of God so much as the way active JDub's think it's their god given right to treat others like dirt then run & hide behind that name. If they use Jehovah then they can act like the Israelites of the Hebrew scriptures & psychologically stone people, whereas to use Jesus would mean they would have to drop the self-righteous act & be humble like the apostate Samaritan. They are not going to do that are they. I know this is abit off track but oh well.