Posts by Sabin
Long Story of my Life/Experience
by GrownMidget inalso, my wife has come to her limits of understanding me about the witnesses related grief i have been having.
she has told me many times to stop reading the ex-witness sites because i get depressed and become angry, which sadly is true.
it's not very productive to be sad throughout the entire day and then shout at your wife for the reason she has no first hand experience about, therefore how could she possibly know and help?
Wow Grownmidget, what an amazing story, so glad that you have found your way out & found some happiness in your life. Welcome to the forum, it's nice to meet you. You have a lot of courage. Big Hug. -
by Pioneerbot inwanted to say hi.
i've been lurking for a long time.
i also spend time on other forums.
Hello Pioneerbot, how nice to meet you. Another Ozzy here, we are a friendly bunch of chaps you know. -
Is it true? Heard a rumor WT postphones Disfellowshipping until further notice!!??
by Olivia Wilde ini am not sure if it's true but i heard from a good source that wt has given instructions to elders to postponed disfellowshipping members from wrong doing/gross sin until further instructions given by headquarters.
i heard some jws were just reproved either privately or publically.
has anyone else heard anything like this recently?
Maybe he said that is what they should do, as opposed to that's what they are doing, & you missed heard.
Morpheus is right, I think shunning is going to get worse & they are becoming more cruel towards those that leave.
One Year Later - A Thank You to Tony Morris.
by cappytan indear anthony morris, iii:.
i wanted to send you a note of "thanks" on this special day.. why is this day special, you may ask?
one year ago today, you, tony, woke me up to the fact that the governing body could not have jehovah's blessing or direction.. last year, on november 8th & 9th, 2014, the united states branch visit was broadcast to over 1,000,000 jehovah's witnesses across the country.. as i sat at the kingdom hall listening to the "historic occasion," i was ignoring certain doubts that had surfaced in the few months prior.
So those pants that Chris Pine is wearing is what he is talking about? I don't get what is wrong with them, am I missing something where are they tight. What about thin brothers you cant stick them in big pants they would look stupid. Do you think he fell over & banged his head?. -
Pop Trivia
by Simon inso many serious topics lately ... so for anyone who wants a break, it's trivia time and the subject is pop music.. which act is the only one to have a top 100 hit both before, during and after the beatles had theirs?.
no googling.
if you guess, you also need to add a trivia question for others to answer..
Q, How many number one hit's has Status Quo had in the U.K.? -
Pop Trivia
by Simon inso many serious topics lately ... so for anyone who wants a break, it's trivia time and the subject is pop music.. which act is the only one to have a top 100 hit both before, during and after the beatles had theirs?.
no googling.
if you guess, you also need to add a trivia question for others to answer..
Wildthing, Nat King Cole & Natalie Cole. We think. -
What it takes to keep separate from the world
by Sabin incheck out this mag.
june 15th, 1980.. without a doubt, our appreciating just how wicked & corrupt satan's world is will help us to keep separate from the world.
such appreciation will make it easy for us to obey the command found at psalms 97:10 "o you lovers of jehovah, hate what is bad.
Well said Illuminated.
If they want to make those kind's of judgements on other's they had better make sure their own shit doesn't stink a.
3 words to describe.....
by punkofnice in..your experience with the watchtower corporation:.
i'll start...... bully boy elders.
O.K. I read this on another thread but I thought it was so accurate.
Couldn't take it anymore.
by Darkknight757 inso i decided yesterday to give my wife's full disclosure.
not sure it was the best decision considering she holds very firmly to the resurrection hope so we can see our babies again.. anyways she is agreeable to begin a study to find a better truth.
where is a good place to go to get some good reliable biblical info on the web that we can consider together?.
Darknight, you mention that she holds on to the hope of the resurrection in the hope of seeing your Babies again. If this is the case I would go slow, don't take everything away at once. You could keep Jah/Jesus/bilble in place for the moment & just get her away from the borg. To take it all away at once could cause depression & that is the last thing you want. She needs to be happy in leaving or there's a chance she'll end up going back. I agree with Zoo's on this. Exiting JW cult. (Bonnie Zieman) is an excellent choice as well especially for a woman, & it's not a big read 168pg. Big Hug for you both. -
What it takes to keep separate from the world
by Sabin incheck out this mag.
june 15th, 1980.. without a doubt, our appreciating just how wicked & corrupt satan's world is will help us to keep separate from the world.
such appreciation will make it easy for us to obey the command found at psalms 97:10 "o you lovers of jehovah, hate what is bad.
Check out this mag. June 15th, 1980.
Without a doubt, our appreciating just how wicked & corrupt Satan's world is will help us to keep separate from the world. Such appreciation will make it easy for us to obey the command found at Psalms 97:10 "O you lovers of Jehovah, HATE what is bad." No matter how pleasant, how enticing, wicked things are to the fallen flesh, we must ABOUR them, even as the apostle command's (Rom.12:9) More that that, we want to HATE those who wilfully show themselves HATERS of Jehovah, & HATERS of what is good. As David expressed it "Do I not HATE those who are intensely HATING you, O Jehovah, and do I not feel a LOATHING for those revolting against you? With a complete HATERED I do HATE them. They have become to me real ENEMIS. (Ps. 139:21,22) We HATE them, not in the sense of wanting to do them harm or wishing them harm but in the sense of avoiding them as we would POISON or a POISONOUS SNAKE, for they can poison us spiritually. That is why we are warned, "Do not be misled, bad associations spoil useful habit's"- 1 Cor. 15: 33.
And let it be noted that this staying clean from WICKED persons applies not just to persons whom we may happen to meet or be thrown together with in our everyday affairs of life but also to those whom we choose to associate when it comes to entertainment.
Can you feel the LOVE jumping off the page at you. Now we all know what we are, SNAKES, that must mean that when we see them out or they come to our homes they should expect us to tell them to HISS OFF. Man I wish I could learn to be this loving, I'm sure glad they follow the behaviour of Jesus, he must be so proud of them. It's a good thing when they go house to house with their bibles in their hand that they do this because they love their neighbours. WOW! I feel so humbled by these Christ like one's, & so ashamed that I'm not just like them. I'm a little . Smack my Bum.