They must be BANANNAS
Posts by Sabin
Of Minions and Smurfs
by oppostate indidn't take too long for the minions to join the smurfs as being satanic in the minds of some jw's.
this showed up on jw facebook timelines today.. .
Sheep and the Goats - The Light Gets Brighter
by nmthinker inperhaps some of you remember a new understanding of the sheep and the goats in the epic march 2015 wt study edition - specifically the article "loyally supporting christ's brothers".. while this article was studied many months ago, it was instrumental in helping me wake up.
during my study of the 2015 article i recalled that we had just revised our understanding of the sheep and the goats a few years ago and this caused me to research the real progression of the jw understanding of this parable.
i put the results of my research in an excel spreadsheet.. .
Wow what a great thread, I can see why they protect the child abusers & not the victims. They use the FS & donations as a measuring stick. The pedo's are loyal to the borg, the victims are not. The abusers who continue to do mino & pay large sums into contribution box are the sheep, the victims who speak out showing disrespect to their so called brother's, giving them a bad name are the goat's. That is basically it isn't it. They don't want people who try to display the qualities of Christ, they want one's that do what they are told to the letter by the Gestapo Body, even if it means children are being raped, women are being abused, dying through lack of medical care or suicide cause they cant take it anymore. Bastards. -
Moral- based on a sense of right & wrong according to conscience: concerned with or relating to the distinction between good & bad or right & wrong behaviour:
Simply put YES
Recent announcement on literature placements
by dbq407 ini find it interesting that the other night they announced that literature is not to be left indiscriminately.
they said to only leave literature if the householder engages you in conversation.
it used to be that they would try to get any literature into every hand of every person.
They are aware that with all the controversy about child abuse they are at some stage going to lose their tax exemption rights or pay out large sums of money to the authorities/victims. They are hiding it in off shore accounts under different titles so they cannot give what they don't have. "We would pay but we cant cause we don't have the money, it's not ours". It's quite simple to see when you realise that they are a money making business. It's got F...k all to do with God, he's nothing more to them but camouflage to hide what's really going down.
They should be called the JAY-hovah's witnesses after the great jay of northern America, notorious for stealing.
Eagerly anticipating the death of billions!
by stuckinarut2 insurely someone who eagerly looks forward to the death of billions of people (including babies and children) is not emotionally healthy?.
yet, that is the key belief "happily" anticipated by witnesses.... food for thought?.
Yep, do not let your eye feel sorry! & they sure don't. Other people don't matter only JW's.
Repeat after me: Only jw's matter, only jw's matter' only jw's matter, only jw's matter.
Get it?
Revelation - it's grand climax is at hand
by Listener insome people point out the subliminal pictures in the wtbts publications but sometimes things are just so obvious, such as the title of the book above.. the person who came up with the title for this book must have had a good old laugh.. interestingly, this book first came out in 1988 and has not been included in the online library but nothing has replaced it.
the org is really going backwards when they ditch old light and cannot come up with anything new.
they are real wankers ;)..
The Greatest Man who ever lived inside slimboyfat's pant's -
Is this a BEAUTIFUL STORY--or what?
by Terry inis this a beautiful story, or what?.
act one________.
now in an ordinary romance of the golden hollywood era, the boy goes off to war while the young lady waits nervously for his safe a cary grant, debra kerr movie, the two vow to meet after a certain period of time and tragic circumstances intervene.. in my story, the young man is a conscientious objector who goes to prison instead of off to the vietnam war.
Terry this is so wounderful, I'm so happy for you.
Hey, this is me... I'm the guy on the left! =)
by Divergent in(picture taken from the wt study some weeks back).
all these years, i've always dreaded waking up early for field service.
i'm a night owl & love to sleep late, so it was excruciating for me to have to wake up early in the mornings & go door knocking.
Fade to black, if you can go a goatee then good for you. My hubby grows one to & I love it. He just got his ear pierced as well, & I love that on him. Funny enough it's rings on men I cant stand I find them most effeminate. Do you think if I write to the GB & tell them I'm stumbled by their female looking hands they will remove them? NO. HaHa. Of course it is just my personal preference but that's not allowed when your a jw is it. -
Are we participants in this forum because of bouts of "loneliness"?
by Wonderment ini wonder how many of us here hold on to this meeting place out of "loneliness.
could it be that we harbor feelings of "abandonment" and "loneliness" from being left cold and dry by the wt people and our families?
perhaps we do have a need to reach out to people with similar experiences.
I think all humans go through loneliness at times in their lives in or out of the Borg. Yes sometimes I feel lonely, I felt more lonely when I was in it as the friendships are superficial. Now I am at home & no they don't call & there are moments that I think this sucks but I also feel contented in a way that I never experienced with JW's. I enjoy the moments, the quiet & I'm aware that all they want is for me to feel sad without them, it makes me smile as what I am is FREE to be myself. So I sign in here talk, read, listen & learn more about myself then I ever did with those cock suckers. Besides do you really believe they are truly happy? Their not. Big Hug for you all. -
heart troubles
by zeb indear all,.
my health took a beating over the years with stress from various sources, not a little from the wt; and dangerous areas of work involving fumes and so on.
the arc also took its toll and i have had recently a heart attack.
Zeb, your'll be fine mate. Will think of you. Big Hug.