You are most welcome, we are not a bad bunch on here, please don't leave over one discussion that didn't go to well. You will find that some times when one of our fellow forum friends is hurt we all jump to defend, to protect. Especially those who have experienced being brutally & unjustly treated by JW's leaders/elders.
The reason I suggest about those policies is so you can see the lies that those at the top are telling to those like your friends who would be considered at the bottom. The sad fact is that many of us have defended the org & in my own case would have gladly died for it only to be devastated to discover that we were played for fools. Now most passionately (not always in the best of ways) would wish to spare others like yourself that pain. That is the basic fact of the matter.
If you have no joy, please if you have time take a look at the Australian Royal Commission & Jehovah's Witnesses, you will have it straight from the horses mouth. No Care, No compassion, No justice, No love for these poor innocent children who now number into 10's of 1000's around the world.
you could also take a look at Steven Hassan book, Combating Cult Mind Control.
I am a Jehovah's witness, I do believe in God in his son Christ Jesus & the bible that tells us at proverbs 18:15 "The heart of the understanding one acquires knowledge,& the ear of the wise one seeks to find knowledge". The facts are what they are, some desire to be in the "Truth" while others like myself & many on this forum desire "THE Truth". I hope this is of help to you.