JUST mothers a, Only Spartan women give birth to Spartan warriors.
If you want liberation as a woman don't marry an arsehole. Of course women are not equal to men, we are above them.
Seriously joking aside, a lot of it comes down to individual personalities. I'm all for women having a career if that is what they want. There is always an upside & a down side to every situation it just comes down to what you want to sacrifice.
I worked with kid's & I saw a lot of career women get to 35 & suddenly say "oh I want a baby" but they don't get a baby, they get a human being that they are now responsible for, for the rest of their lives. They cant deal with having to come second, so at 6 weeks old they stick with a child minder, I tell you these kids are stunted emotionally. Then again I've seen young mum's who cant give up the partying & the out come is the same. I think a good mother does the best she can at putting the needs of her kid's first in the circumstances she's in. For me sacrificing that time with my children & husband was a no no. If I could turn the clock back would I do it any different, NO. But that's just me, I wouldn't think less of some else cause they chose differently.
I think the suffragettes were amazing, & I'm gonna go see that film.