Posts by Sabin
OK friends lets be honest, if a Nuclear Holocaust took place today how many of you would return to the KH?
by James Mixon inspeaking for my self, no way in hell.. this question to see if you really have been deprogramed,.
do you 100% believe it is not the truth.. a fourth of the world hit by a nuclear attack..
I don't think they would let us in. -
How did you feel when you found out "the truth about the truth"?
by stuckinarut2 inso when you first found out specific facts about the organisation, how did you feel??.
the un membership.
the way 1914 was calculated from pyramid measurements.
I like to come on the forum it helps to confirm that I'm not nuts'(well) I mean it's not me it's them, I'm not alone, & others are having it so much tougher. I admire their courage it helps me to find my own. -
How did you feel when you found out "the truth about the truth"?
by stuckinarut2 inso when you first found out specific facts about the organisation, how did you feel??.
the un membership.
the way 1914 was calculated from pyramid measurements.
Numb, how could I have not known or did I, I think maybe I did I just wanted to be loved I guess, it's incredibly complicated. There are moments that I doubt myself, I think it is me all these people who now don't like me because of what, not attending their meetings. I find myself lost in my own emotions, it is all in the stomach the sadness it sometimes brings. An inner battle that you struggle with & don't always win, you have to believe that you will win the war. Then there are moments when I feel like William Wallace, 7 feet tall with lightening bolts shooting out my arse & I can shout FREEDOM. -
Update on everything going on in JW Land - Insider Information
by thedepressedsoul ini'd like to start off by saying that i will be very vague in everything i say.
i am fairly "high up" in jw land and have to be somewhat careful how i word and say stuff.
sorry in advance if any specific details are left out.
They are stock piling the money, gathering it in & putting it out to places where it can be hidden so they wont have to pay out for all the abuse cases. It all comes down to the $$$$$$$. Money makes the Watchtower go round. If they start paying out for abused victims then it's game over, like it was for the churches. People ask the questions, if your not guilty why are you paying?
As far as the young ones go, well I have 2 & I can tell you they are not happy even though they are both pioneers, why? I think the older generation were all about order, things were black & white they came from world war times. Religiously minded people were like that, the kids want spirituality, that comes from ones heart not ones head they see enough cruelty going on in the world through the media they don't want to face it in the KH. They want to have how the FEEL herd, listened to & they don't get that. They get "Do what we say or die". WOW!
As for the lowly, well what is there to say Jesus said "The poor will always be with us". The WT version is "The poor are there for us to pick on". & pick on them they do. It's like I always say BASTARDS.
so whats with the dresses
by Sabin inso here is the thing, i love trousers/pants always have even as a kid i was such a tom boy, always up trees, covered in mud, skate boarding you know the adhd type (basically off my tree out of control) as i got older i still liked my trousers, it's what i'm comfortable in that & p.j's.
i love my p.j's.
so i hated that every time i went to the hall i had to wear a stupid skirt.
stuckin, Jesus would be telling us to love people so he would be considered an apostate & we would be expected to shun him. -
so whats with the dresses
by Sabin inso here is the thing, i love trousers/pants always have even as a kid i was such a tom boy, always up trees, covered in mud, skate boarding you know the adhd type (basically off my tree out of control) as i got older i still liked my trousers, it's what i'm comfortable in that & p.j's.
i love my p.j's.
so i hated that every time i went to the hall i had to wear a stupid skirt.
Diogenesister, In Polynesia the men wear skirts as it's traditional costume. I have to say I'm slightly partial to the Kilt. Those highlanders are real men, it's freezing up there & they wear no knickers LOL either they got rocks of steel or something to be proud of. I wonder if they wear them like that to the KH. All the scott men in skirts & the girls in troosers, what do you think old fat head Morris would make of that?
by Esmeralda001 ini need some advice guys.
how do you get people to mind their own buiseness without coming off as rude?.
i was invited to a jw gathering last night.
Here's a few......Piss off. Shut your Pie hole. Do you feel special now. Talk to the Booty cause the Hand's off duty. Did your mother teach you to be nosy like that. It's clear from your behaviour you must have had a terrible childhood.
Or you could just say, Mind your own business.
so whats with the dresses
by Sabin inso here is the thing, i love trousers/pants always have even as a kid i was such a tom boy, always up trees, covered in mud, skate boarding you know the adhd type (basically off my tree out of control) as i got older i still liked my trousers, it's what i'm comfortable in that & p.j's.
i love my p.j's.
so i hated that every time i went to the hall i had to wear a stupid skirt.
O.K. so here is the thing, I love trousers/pants always have even as a kid I was such a Tom Boy, always up trees, covered in mud, skate boarding you know the ADHD type (basically off my tree out of control) As I got older I still liked my trousers, it's what I'm comfortable in that & P.J's. I love my P.J's. So I hated that every time I went to the hall I had to wear a stupid skirt. Why cant i where jeans & be comfortable & happy. Really what is the deal with that? You go to the assembly it's more like a fashion show, even the older sisters are in competition it drove me insane. There's all the beauties in their rich garments wearing what i would say is way to much make up, in a pair of stilts, dripping in gold. It looks more like a brothel convention. I don't see what the problem is with wearing a nice trouser suit, i love suits & ties, I want to be a man, it's not fair.
"Most women would prefer to be stay at home housewives. Women's lib did alot of damage to women!"
by purrpurr inthe above is a quote from a jw female relative.
this was in response to a discussion about the suffragette movement ( and the movie about it that's currently in cinemas).
she seemed to think that it would be so much better if women were just daughters/ wives/ mothers and didn't go out to work and have career's?
Actually DJS they look all the same laying down & when the lights are turned off.
How do you explain men who like their women taller? some men do you know. Is it cause they are more secure in themselves. I said that to my husband once, he went up the wall. Didn't like the thought that I might be implying that he was insecure cause his wife was shorter than him. He said "those men look like monkey boys,"
Aren't men funny.
New Witness video "Do not visit Witness dating sites" be happy single. Sick Horror!
by Witness 007 inafter the sunday meeting an over zealous young elder encourages the cong.
with a 2 hour clips from!
one video showed a young sister battling loneliness not able to find a mate in her hall or area.
Toesup, you are so right, everything is no no no NO. Our daughter phoned her sister (fleshly) crying & said "I'm gonna end up an old single pioneer sister that no-one wants, when all I want is a marriage like mum & dad have got with a couple of kid's." She is strong headed speaks her mind, educated, beautiful young woman of 21. Ironically my hubby isn't a witness, we married when I was out the first time. I could scream, they are told all the time worldly men are so bad & yet when a woman is treated badly by a JW husband they say "at least you stayed faithful to Jehovah." What a crock of shit.