Posts by Sabin
No Sports Cars Please!
by snugglebunny ini read on a jw forum that jw's came in for disapproval if they drove either sports cars or 2-door cars.
the reasoning was that a driver couldn't easily take fellow dubbies out preaching in such a vehicle.
was that ever official policy or just local nonsense from a grumpy po?.
It was never policy but I have heard it mentioned from the platform a few times. & yes it certainly does influence people to buy a 4 door car. How do I know, cause I was one of them. -
David Bowie
by smiddy ini just heard the news david bowie has died ,so sad .
rip d,b, .
smiddy .
We just heard to, what a shock, I didn't realise he was 69 yrs.
shunning is bad
by Sabin inso i had a phone conversation last night, i'm not proud of myself but that is how the cookie crumbles.
started off all well & good then up came the arc which i was informed was all propaganda & the oct 2012 polices i got from the internet are apostate & not true.
so i lost the plot, completely lost it, & let out everything i was feeling.
Xan, that is hilarious, I wonder if your cousin will say something. We went along with it at one time though a. I never had a problem with the big D myself, (yes I have been there) if you are at a job & you keep breaking the rules you get sacked, I knew I shouldn't have sex & I tried but I did & I was relieved when they D me. It's the cruelty that they inflict on ones I don't get, it's like a sadistic enjoyment in making some-one suffer to the fullest extent that is what makes my blood boil. They will take work away from some-one even if the rest of the family is still in WTF is that about. Then they treat the kids of a D person terribly not letting their kids play with them at school & stuff like that. Any little thing that they can do to push the knife in & twist it they go for it. I just wasn't treated or taught that way so I don't get it. Now I thank God I don't. -
shunning is bad
by Sabin inso i had a phone conversation last night, i'm not proud of myself but that is how the cookie crumbles.
started off all well & good then up came the arc which i was informed was all propaganda & the oct 2012 polices i got from the internet are apostate & not true.
so i lost the plot, completely lost it, & let out everything i was feeling.
Calm down people, everything with my girl will be fine. We are always clashing bout something, we are a loud family. I always told the girls "you think I'm an unreasonable old bag, then say so, to my face don't go off in to your bedroom & say it behind my back." I can deal (not always correctly) with what the little mare throws at me. The point that struck me was that JW had something to say about the fact that feel they are being shunned & they don't like it. What a bloody cheek. Anyway, it just made me think, hence my original comment about never being able to reason with them. They are not shunning, they are loving. WTF! -
shunning is bad
by Sabin inso i had a phone conversation last night, i'm not proud of myself but that is how the cookie crumbles.
started off all well & good then up came the arc which i was informed was all propaganda & the oct 2012 polices i got from the internet are apostate & not true.
so i lost the plot, completely lost it, & let out everything i was feeling.
No Zeb she doesn't, She never researches anything either, but she does know her mum has never lied to her, so who knows. -
shunning is bad
by Sabin inso i had a phone conversation last night, i'm not proud of myself but that is how the cookie crumbles.
started off all well & good then up came the arc which i was informed was all propaganda & the oct 2012 polices i got from the internet are apostate & not true.
so i lost the plot, completely lost it, & let out everything i was feeling.
So I had a phone conversation last night, I'm not proud of myself but that is how the cookie crumbles. Started off all well & good then up came the ARC which I was informed was all propaganda & the Oct 2012 polices I got from the internet are apostate & not true. So I lost the plot, completely lost it, & let out everything I was feeling. Just turned into a huge shouting match. Pointed out all the stuff said about the Catholic's from the platform, how the WTBTS are so much worse, read out the statement by Gerrit Losch, which apparently is insignificant, Blah Blah Blah. It just poured out. None of it matters cause it has nothing to do with the borg. I should understand that people get things wrong, that they make mistakes that my relationship with God has nothing to do with the borg & so I have no excuse for not attending the K.Hall or going on the mino. Well that was like showing a red flag to a bull. I said, if my relationship with Jah has nothing to do with the Borg what the hell do I need to go to meetings for. It just went round in circles It ended with me being told,
" you are deliberately isolating yourself, SHUNNING your brothers & sisters, which is making you a negative person so now you have no friends." Apparently there have been some comments made about me SHUNNING the JWs, my tongue fell out of my head, of course I picked it straight up & had plenty to say on that subject as well.
All this got me thinking bout shunning & what I want to say is that the Borg actually does believe that shunning/ignoring/silent treatment is bad & wrong unless they are the ones doing it. When they do this it isn't shunning, it's loving, they are helping the person to get better. Is that twisted thinking or no?The fact is they refuse to see it any other way so there can be no reasoning with them me thinks. As for me I will continue down the path of not mixing with them I consider them BAD ASSOCIATION, if they want to speak to me they may do so through my Lawyer. As for my daughter who the phone call was with, I am so righteously indignant by her apathy towards children who have been abused that she can go right ahead & shun me. I did send a text reminding her that I love her & will always be here for her but I am seriously unhappy with the little madam. Thanks, glad I got that off my chest.
Gotta love the ministry. LOL.
by Sabin inyou know how you go to the mid-week meeting & it is all about field service, how you can improve, do more etc.
do you remember how they would say things like..... "you get up brothers & you really don't feel like going out today, you look out of the window & the weathers just not good, then you look in the mirror & you say to yourself, i don't feel so good today.
you know your looking for an excuse not to go cause it's tough to get motivated on your 1 day off.
You know how you go to the mid-week meeting & it is all about field service, how you can improve, do more etc. Do you remember how they would say things like....
"You get up brothers & you really don't feel like going out today, you look out of the window & the weathers just not good, then you look in the mirror & you say to yourself, I don't feel so good today. You know your looking for an excuse not to go cause it's tough to get motivated on your 1 day off. But you do it , you push yourself, you force yourself to get dressed, pick up your bag & put on a brave face. You get to the group still not really wanting to be there & you put your kingdom smile on anyway. Your paired up with some-one who don't really know that well but as you go around talking you realize that this person your brother or sister who you never really bothered with before is really nice & you have lot's more in common then you knew. Then some-one is home & you have a really good talk, you place some mag's & now you got a return visit. WOW it was so good that you will probably get asked to do a demonstration on the stage. Before you know it 2 hours are up & you go home. When you get home you say to yourself WOW I'm so glad that I pushed myself to do that cause I feel great".
The thing is I always did feel great after I did the ministry & I always thought it was because I pushed myself to do it. Today I discovered something about myself, what I was happy about was that it was over. I was over the moon, because now I could go home get out of that stupid skirt, put the kettle on & do exactly what I want. I've only just realized this, am I thick? Of course when there's something you truly enjoy you don't have to push yourself to do it. When my husband says I'm going to the shop to get some chocolate, I don't look for excuses not to eat it, I cant wait for him to get back, I love chocolate. So my conclusion is nobody likes the ministry, they think they like it cause they are told they do. Your thoughts.
I gave the elders some ammo to use
by atacrossroads ini was having dinner at olive garden with my cousin who was disfellowshipped for apostacy.
a holier than thou pioneer couple saw us.
if that was not enough i saw her take a picture of me with my cousin.
Congrats to you, enjoy every moment. . There is nothing more beautiful on this planet then an expecting mother.
I've been depressed lately.
by Butyoucanneverleave inmy husband and i went to visit his family for the holidays.
not everyone showed for the visit ,the weather was lousy, and it just generally sucked.
now we're back to the same old routine with work and life and we're both depressed and alone.
Jhine, that is a little touch of brilliance, shuffle things up & make new memories to replace the bad stuff.
BYCNL, you should definitely go with this advice, then you can already start to look forward to next year's holidays.
What Was The Silliest "Offense" That You Were Counseled For?
by minimus inwhen i was a teenager, i was told by an elder that because i smiled a lot and was known for my good sense of humor, that i should come across as "more serious".
so before i was appointed a ms, while in my late teens, i transformed myself into a much more "serious" brother.. were you ever told that you needed to work on something that you knew was stoopid?.
I was always getting told off for being tactless, I always say exactly what I think, actually I generally say it with out thinking. Got no filter between my brain & mouth, I'm what's commonly know as verbally dyslexic, it just all comes out round the wrong way. One elder called it honesty & said I had to much of it. LOL.
Funny enough my poor husband got counselled, shouted at to be specific by the CO for buying our girl a new mobile phone as a graduation present. She may take nude pic's of herself & send them to brothers. What a wanker. Oh & his wife told the sisters what underwear they could wear, G-strings were for prostitutes only. I remember it cause when they told me I said "I didn't think prostitutes wore any knickers".