Posts by Sabin
Books I read when I deprogrammed
by OrphanCrow inblondie suggested someone start a thread with a list of books that are valuable to read when exiting the jws.. i will start.. i left the jws way back in the early 70s and didn't actually deprogram until into the 80s.. one of the first books i read was "the orwellian world of jehovah's witnesses" by gary and heather botting.
canadian exjws from calagary.
an excellent book and one that still resonates with young people today.
Exiting the jw cult, Bonnie Zieman. 1st book I read & found really helpful in understanding that what I was going through was normal after leaving. No I wasn't going mad. -
Seriously....We have to start attacking this cult!!! Enough is enough!!
by DATA-DOG ini propose that we make pintrest accounts and start openly challenging this crap.. .
seriously.... any suggestions?
this crap cannot be left unchallenged.
We were thinking of some games they use: how about Operation, Call it Indoctrination.
Pictionary could be Witnessary.
Back Gammon could be Back stabbing.
Connect four could be Connect the Doors
Snakes & Ladders need I say more.
Trival Pursuit could be Trival Excuse
Guess Who could be Guess the false prophet
Mouse Trap could be Cult Trap
Cant think of anymore at the mo, any ideas?
Seriously....We have to start attacking this cult!!! Enough is enough!!
by DATA-DOG ini propose that we make pintrest accounts and start openly challenging this crap.. .
seriously.... any suggestions?
this crap cannot be left unchallenged.
I'm sorry, but I'm actually having difficulty believe this isn't a joke. This is way off normal, games for the family that help with maths & English & get the brain going that also give you time with your kids. We always did that, but games that completely indoctrinate! wtf, I said WTF.
Wear were you in the "Pecking order" in the congro??
by karter inwe were right down with the very lowest.. father never a jw we had a po with little mans syndrome and love to pick on sisters that had no husband to stand up for them,he picked on my mother only to find out he picked on the wrong person,she came from a hard up bringing and didn't take any s###t from anyone particularly this little bully and we were very low can you get!.
Yep I was on the bottom, husband not a brother & I was an argumentative bitch, if I didn't agree I would say so. I was hated for that. Bastards.
Blondie, I love your comment. Made me laugh.
Some thoughts on the new midweek meeting
by Saltheart Foamfollower inthe new midweek meeting has been running for a month now.
here are my thoughts on how it is going so far:.
1) elders are looking frazzled from being on virtually every meeting and having to prepare unfamiliar formats for items.
First of all what the hell does CLAM stand for? it sounds like some kind of a sexually transmitted disease, "I GOT THE CLAM"
Second, I don't know why your so surprised, they never allowed room for individualism before hand. It stands to reason that the more power they get the worse they will become on that front.
& Third, "Listen, Obey & be Blessed. LOL.
Would you kill for the org?.......YES I WOULD!
by olongapo joe inso, a few years ago my jw parents, my non jw sister and her husband, and myself were discussing religion and jw beliefs.
my parents of course defending the jw's, the rest of us, against jw's ( it may not have been specifically against jw's, maybe just religion in general) anyway, things are getting a little heated, and i finally ask my pops, if the watchtower bible and tract society told you to go out and start killing muslims, would you do it?
yes i would, was his reply, to which i say, then your not any different than the radical muslims killing in the name of religion.
No, I would not, It would be wrong. And when I was in I never believed Jehovah would kill every one not a JW just the sadistic assholes that loved to see suffering. It was quite upsetting when I finally realized that the borg fitted that description perfectly. Did you see how President Obama cried for the children who were gunned down, not even a flicker of emotion from Geff Jackson at the A.R.C. Besides JW's are killing 1'000 every year with their policies on blood & the psychological torture of shunning that causes god knows how many suicides & the psychological fire they put all those children through. I hate the fact I was in it now.
I agree with Beth.s
Honestly, Did Jehovah's Witnesses Do Anything POSITIVE For You?
by minimus ini was raised as a witness and am very thankful that i am out.
having said that, i think my upbringing produced positive qualities in me.
do you believe that anything positive came from your being a witness?
Can I think about it? -
Seriously....We have to start attacking this cult!!! Enough is enough!!
by DATA-DOG ini propose that we make pintrest accounts and start openly challenging this crap.. .
seriously.... any suggestions?
this crap cannot be left unchallenged.
Is it actually real, come from the Borg, how much are they charging? These poor kids can they not have normal games like snap, frustration, monopoly or connect four any more? -
Seriously....We have to start attacking this cult!!! Enough is enough!!
by DATA-DOG ini propose that we make pintrest accounts and start openly challenging this crap.. .
seriously.... any suggestions?
this crap cannot be left unchallenged.
What do you suggest? -
Finally posting and I'm FRUSTRATED!!!
by stephanie61092 inokay, i'm about to engage in a major word vomit.
just giving you fair warning as your time may be better spent somewhere else.. so, i'm sitting on my lunch break, bawling my eyes out, and writing on this forum to people i don't know yet probably have a great deal in common with but at the same time, used to scare the daylights out of me.
for years, i would come across this forum and 'lurk' awhile if you will, or see things on youtube.
You are a very brave young woman. It will be tough on that you can bet. however it does get easier. For a while you feel alone like every one else is happy but that just isn't true. Be you, be true. I always find tea is good, but then I'm British. Big Hugs.