Posts by Sabin
Has a 'Christian' ever murdered somebody?
by goddidit ina jw made the claim "no christian [jw] has ever murdered anyone".. when i showed examples of such, the goalposts moved a bit with "was he a baptized, dedicated witness?".
can anyone provide examples of murders committed by "baptized, dedicated" jws?.
Watch the Deadly Devotion series. In Canada, Baptized JW shot his wife in front of her children then shot the children. Man it is a heart wrenching true story. -
What is more important life or justice?
by Fisherman inthe outrage of injustice cries out for justice, vengeance, vindictiveness, retaliation, getting even -at any cost -even life.
I would have to say justice. The problem with many is that they make their own justice & it is personal. That is the get even at any cost. That is my initial thought. I'm not quite sure if I'm being honest, it is more complex then that because people are complex if nothing else.
We were all there at one time, we all went along with it even if it was in ignorance. Sometimes when I read or watch things about them I turn to my husband in absolute horror & ask if that was what I was like, he says no you weren't that is why you couldn't cope & had to get out.
So is it the JW'S that we hate so much or are we angry at ourselves because we went along as bystanders for a while in ignorance & it has left us with regret? Just a thought really.
There are some amazing jws, really nice individuals, collectively as a group they are cruel. They are stuck in a group think situation where they are all coerced in to thinking the same, cut off from outside realities, & forcibly silencing members that show any dissent by having them shunned. 100% cult, 100% wicked.
I would have to say that while I don't detest them they most certainly are not my most favourite people. Yes the fish rot's from the head down.
Apostle Paul complex
by Diogenesister inif you can, take the time to read this beautifulfully written piece on what its like to live as a gay, enforced celibate witness.
the writer details experiences working for an organization that ostensibly lauds singleness, especially in the higher echelons and bethel , yet inevitability rewards the hard working singleton with a lonely old age and the "increasingly sinister " label of ' that weird single brother'.
the author compares this outcome with that of " eunuch for the lord" paul pondering the silence on his later life and wondering whether he similarly died " alone, largely forgotten and desperately waiting for the paradise ".
What a beautiful & honest story, & what a sad situation for this man to have found himself in. The Borg is just an illusion of happiness. -
RIP Terry Wogan
by LoveUniHateExams ini've just been reading the sad news that terry wogan has passed away after a short illness (cancer).
he was 77.. i admit that i wasn't necessarily a fan of his but he came across as such a nice, decent, softly-spoken and gentle individual.
he was also a successful broadcaster and presenter.. i hope his family realize how much he was loved and get the support that they need at this difficult time.
His chat show was a weekly must when I was a kid, it so sad to hear, you always remember people how they were when you talk about them, it's easy to forget that they are growing old. -
Oh yes they got it alright. What do you say though that they would refuse it. I'm not asking for the exact contents but wont your requesting them not to get in touch or your not going any more & saying so on paper equate to the same thing? Excuse my ignorance. -
Stepping out of the shadows
by contramundum ini have been lurking on the site for a few months and thought it about time i plucked up the courage to step out of the shadows and say hello.. i am in the process of fading after realizing all is not right with the organization i had trusted implicitly for over 40 years.
there have always been 'truths' i have struggled to accept entirely, even as a child, but was confident that trusting in jehovah, building my faith and remaining patient would be enough to settle any nagging doubts that remained, so i pushed any inconsistencies to the back of my mind and concentrated on being the best witness that i could be.. over the last few years, however, i have been preoccupied with a number of crises in my family and stepping back slightly from 'theocratic' activity has allowed me to re evaluate a number of concerns and research sources other than the sanitized wt publications.. my eyes are now wide open - i found things which have appalled me and left me feeling extremely let down and disappointed by people i had really trusted.. i tried gently raising a few subjects with my mum (who was baptized early '70s and still remains a staunch wt supporter) but she will hear no criticism of the organization.
i understand this because the best part of her life has been invested in the religion and to acknowledge it may have got things wrong would be to recognize the last 40 years have been a vain waste.
Hello Contramundum, Nice of you to join us. I'm sorry you have to face this horrible situation. I agree with Magnum & Hadriel. Good Comments boys.. You will come to realize that yes these ones who are your friends do care about you but their loyalty is to the borg first. The safest thing to do is to keep your gob shut. I know that sounds blunt but well there you have it, the plain simple truth. They will grass on you if you say the wrong thing. Don't panic though, help is at hand. You can come on here & vent away.
Red or Green Flags....
by The Rebel init seems everybody is doing it, and giving green or red flags.
and personally what a difference it makes to my " ego" when i get a green flag and feel my opinion is respected.
my green flags totally convince me what i say is " brilliant.
When I first joined this forum I was not in the best place emotionally getting green flags helped to give me a bit more confidence in expressing myself without fear of how shall I say it, repercussions, like the kind I got from the borg. I was sensitive. I got my first red flag & felt disappointed, then I got a PM from the person, who apologized saying they had done so by accident. They then introduced themselves to me & told me something personal about themselves which I thought was brave. It made me think & I decided I would never give any one a red flag & I haven't, even if I don't like what they say. I will PM them & say my piece if I feel it is personal & the person would not want that put on the forum for every body to see or I will say my piece on a post.
And quite frankly I don't give a flying f...k if you like that answer or no. It does lift one to get a green flag, & the red ones I recommend you ignore.
Books I read when I deprogrammed
by OrphanCrow inblondie suggested someone start a thread with a list of books that are valuable to read when exiting the jws.. i will start.. i left the jws way back in the early 70s and didn't actually deprogram until into the 80s.. one of the first books i read was "the orwellian world of jehovah's witnesses" by gary and heather botting.
canadian exjws from calagary.
an excellent book and one that still resonates with young people today.
Exiting the jw cult, Bonnie Zieman. 1st book I read & found really helpful in understanding that what I was going through was normal after leaving. No I wasn't going mad.