Chalam I'm afraid that you've hit the nail on the head - those are the 3 responses I'm getting towards the issues that bother me most, and they aren't helping in the slightest! Quite the opposite in fact - it's making me think they have no answers for my question, which in turn leads me to question the validity of the faith itself.
to Ding: My mum has been a witness much longer than I have, about 10 years I think. I'm 16, nearly 17, so I am currently still living at home under care of my parents. My mum has said that it's my decision to make, and that she's not going to force me to believe anything, but I'm worried that it would be the same as her saying there's nothing wrong with questioning...her actions are contradicting her words in that case. I'm not the argumentative type, so I don't think there would be a problem as long as she listened to my point of view, rather than bombarding me with 'proof' to try and change my mind - a bad habit she has developed lately which really isn't helping...