JoinedTopics Started by hardroad
My Story not for the weak of heart
by TotallyADD ina year after my parents were baptized i was born in 1954. that same year my father was appointed presiding overseer and remained in that position until the early sixties despite the fact he was still smoking.
he gained the position by default because he was the only baptized man who could read.
thus began my life course of abuse, neglect and cult thinking.
How often do disassociated people go back to the organization?
by SEL ina friend disassociated in order to get divorced, hoping not to get disfellowshipped.
some time later, he has a serious non-jw girlfriend whom he'll probably end up marrying.
the thing is, he didn't disassociate because he no longer believed the wt doctrines.
Does the fear of death prevent a fullfilled life?
by Evidently Apostate inas time continues along with my exit from the religion i think about this question often.
is living a slaves existence in order to hopefully gain an eternal life worth it?
i have begun to wonder what will happen to me when i am dying whether i will see a bright light or not or will i awaken to a heavenly courtroom to be judged for my deeds that will be laid before me.
How Many People Are Still Happy That They Married Their Mate?
by minimus ini know of someone that has made no bones about being somewhat unhappily married.
they got married because they "fooled around" and felt it was the "right thing to do".. i wonder how many people are unhappily married?