Mike - ??? - Why the sudden turn around? Bill just wants to maximize the effort - seize the moment. He's name is associated with this march, so he wants a successful march so he can further his efforts. I'm sure it's not as rigid as it may sound. I think the victims are more important than a man or his rules, or as I mentioned in one of my earlier post - "the protest is larger that the individual leader. Regardless of the many disagreements we may have with the so call leaders of our community, we have to look at the issue at hand. The issue(s) far exceeds the personal dissatisfaction with the person." It's about the victims.
I was thinking about wearing my Malcolm X T-shirt, but thought about the overall effectiveness of this march and decided against it :) I can't wait to sport the silentlambs T-shirt.
You said your family will not be attending, will that include you also?
Are you going to give the money back?
Respectfully submitted - LL