Damn - I'm suppose to get out in Nov. - I hope I can
LL :-(
army to call up retired, discharged troops
tuesday june 29, 2004 9:01 pm
ap photo mac105
Damn - I'm suppose to get out in Nov. - I hope I can
LL :-(
i was always a shy kid that desperately wanted to make my parents proud.
at about this same time i started to hang out with some guys that my dad didn?t particularly approve of.
i wonder how my life would have turned out had i stopped at any point between ages 14 and 19 and asked myself who exactly i was doing all this for.
Wow - nice story. I could related to the following:
I was always a shy kid that desperately wanted to make my parents proud. Actually, come to think of it, it didn?t even have to be my parents. I just wanted people to be proud of me?low self-esteem, I guess.
if God sees it fit to kill me, than I will gladly accept his judgment. I would simply rather live happily and freely a few years than a lifetime in slavery
However, I knew I had to do something. I couldn?t in good conscience remain a member of an organization that I see as nothing more than at best misguided and at worst deceitful, destructive and evil.
I feel you, but at least you are still young. I opened my eyes @ 34, not only with the BORG but with everything in life. When you see and live the world 'in color' it's almost impossible to go back to a 'black and white' existence. I'm not too optimistic about your family coming around - But that's the price you pay for freedom. It will all work out.
Peace - Larry :)
there's gotta be some blues fans out there.. i have been listening to a recording of a live show back in '68 with b.b.
king, jimi hendrix and probably other greats i don't know about and i'm finding i really enjoy it.
any blues buffs out there want to make some suggestions etc.?
Sure - How about:
Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page - New York City Blues
BB King & Albert Collins - Stormy Monday Blues
BB King & Bobby Blue Band - Mean Old World
Etta James - I'd Rather Go Blind
Muddy Waters & Howlin Wolf - Red Rosster
Solomon Burke - A Change is Gonna COme
Wes Montgomery - Natural Blues
...To just name a few.
I wouldn't mind getting a copy of that CD you were listening to.
Peace - Larry :)
i'm helping a friend run for state senate and we are starting to gather petitions in order for him to be on the ballot.
i start tonight, but i can't help think how this is going to be similar to field service :-( .
anyway, what are the up's and downs of gathering petitions.. thanks - larry :)
I'm helping a friend run for state senate and we are starting to gather petitions in order for him to be on the ballot. I start tonight, but I can't help think how this is going to be similar to field service :-(
Anyway, what are the up's and downs of gathering petitions.
Thanks - Larry :)
If my name was on the books and they were underlined, I guess the maintenance guy would know that was a spiritual JDUB who liked to color :)
In looking at 'Six Feet Under' last night on HBO, I think it would be a good idea to burn them.
When I got fed up with those books, I threw them down the trash-chute only to have the maintenance guy come upstairs and tell me that those bound books are too big for the trash compactor - How embarrassing :) I forgot that my name was on all the books. After that, I threw a book down the chute one day at a time (with my name crossed out of course :)
LL :)
ok, we all know of this uncanny word play about not saying, "you were lucky," and not saying "bless you" after someone sneezes.
but this is a bizarre one i heard.
Gary B - I'll have to pay more attention to your post from now on, b/c what you said was on the money:
"Theism has been taught and accepted without question."
Regarding mentioning Jah's name while under a Demon attack - Well, other religions use the name of 'Jesus' and the results are the same. They claim that using Jesus name is a protection
My theory is - Those strange occurrences happens only if you believe them. The mind can make anything happen. One persons belief is anyone persons entertainment.
Faithless - LL :)
has being or associating with jehovahs witnesses made you more or less judgemental of people?.
has it been wiser to be judgemental or less judgemental?
To be human is to be judgmental - You couldn't survive without it. But in answer to your question -
Yes, being a JDub made me more judgmental of other people. Hell, I was even judgmental inside the BORG of anyone that wasn't 'reaching out' or serving Jah full-time.
I would judge a person based on their response to 'The Troof' - Which meant that 99% of the world would be destroyed.
Now, I accept people more readily (less judgmental), respecting their views on whatever. Being an Ex-Jdub helped me to realize that 'One persons' viewpoint is just as good as the next persons', and that no one has a monopoly on knowledge.
Peace - LL :)
as much information, insight and entertainment this forum provides, some things about its format and design have come to annoy me.
let me start by saying that i think one of the biggest weaknesses of this forum may be the active topics option at the top.
it seems to me that some people may use this option just to see which topics are still alive.
The flaw with this forum is the flaw with everything else in this world - nothing is perfect.
Peace - LL :)
hey guys, .
was just wondering what is your worst jw buzzword.
probably all of us hate the "just leave it in jehovah's hands.
The Truth