Well said Tex.
Folks, I am as passionate about my politics as anyone. I try to remember, wether I agree with someone's politics or not, to be respectful. I don't always succeed but I try. Name calling sucks, but so does attitudes and stereotyping (Liberals are ruining America......Conservatives are trampling on our civil liberties).
Sometimes a tone can be much more insulting than a name. Some people on this board I believe to be idealogs with an agenda. Others want to genuinely, and honestly discuss opinions on politics. Then there are those who just regurgitate propaganda and have no interest in finding the truth and forming there opinions on that truth.
You cast doubt on your credibillity when you accuse and reprimand folks for something and then turn around and engage in that same activity.....can we see any of that on this thread, I think so.
People honestly, if there were room for only one opinion, one philosophy, one platform, would we have freedom?
Would it be a great thing for any free society for the members to agree on everything? More importantly, would that society really be free or a sham?