The term is not over, and it is early in your college career. So don't sweat it. You have lots of room for things not to be perfect without it completely falling apart. Make sure to connect with others, especially your advisors. They will be able to help you out a lot. If you are struggling, make sure you access any of the extra assistance available on your campus. And keep talking to your advisors. If things get really bad, and your financial aid is in jeopardy, they can help you figure out a way to get yourself out of it. And don't be afraid to take less classes as you are getting used to college. It is a big transition to college for someone of any age, but especially if you are an older, non-traditonal student. :-)
Take a big deep breath. Enjoy your weekend. Rest, eat. And get back in the saddle on Monday.
One or two tests does not a BA degree make (or break).