I do think bringing information to the forefront about the organization as a whole is helpful - but I do fall into the camp of "if they want to leave, they will." This is based on my own experience with True Believers as friends and family.
You can't have been a JW very long before you experience first hand the hypocrisy of the Elder arrangement or the constantly shifting Tide of "current thinking" Religion being the opiate of the masses isn't just a clever saying - it's true.
There is a lot of security in having The Truth and being right or more right than the next guy. There is a lot of responsibility avoided by not having to think too much or to plan too far in advance.
Given that some people , my mom for instance, needs and thrives on that structure - I don't think it is my place to disrupt her faith. Even when I have brought up valid points of contention that they, even momentarily agree with, I find they are still able to dismiss any evidence that threatens their belief system in some way.
i think when people,are ready, the information is there. And we are here to assist in the difficult transition out.