this is what people that believe the "official government story" have to do to maintain sanity and maintain that they are correct.
and if you don't think conspiracys can be big, how about the bible being used all around the world and widely accepted as truth but there are still atheists?
athesists believe the bible is a conspiracy and so is god and is used to control the masses into submission.
would YOU call atheists conspiracy theorists or "truthers"?
just because you don't want to believe something does not make it an untruth. the problem rests in your inability to realize facts from fiction.
and i believe the "truthers" live in less fear because they see through the media's crap and fail to respond to it in the way the media want you to.
the people that believe the "official government story" are terrified to think the conspiracy nuts could be right.
if the media were to tell you to hide in german gas chambers for your own safety, the "truthers" would run away and survive while the believers would all follow single file to their own demise.
i would like to know how many "truthers" go back to believeing the "official government story".
so far i possibly know of one and it was in the video with the comedian with the black hat.
how many jw's go back after becoming a "JW truther"?
the parrellels are staggering.
if you were a manipulated american jw, you are primed to be a manipulated american citizen.
flame suit on.
and oh ya, the canadian media is now admiting to chemtrail technology in their SUN newspapers.