@MISERYLOVESELDERS- No. Your're ok to ask. I loved my husband, at one time. Correction. I WORSHIPPED my husband. This went on FOR YEARS. I also felt it was my duty. After all those years, I got to a point where I had no respect for him. He would always tell me, "If I should lose my position in the congregation for your foolishness (my being late, not having the kids ready for the meeting, me not leaving my job early to get to meetings on time, not having my Watchtower article studied to a tee....etc, etc, etc) I will forever resent you." WTF?!!! He was now are angry with me because now we have 2 beautiful children and he can nolonger galavant with the religion. We were nolonger a 'perfect JW' family for all to based their hopes and dreams on. At this point, we were only in our late 20's - early 30's!!!!
Oh! I stopped having sex altogether!!!!!!!!! It gave me 'power beyond what is normal'!!!!!!! I stopped letting him pump his cramp in me. Needed to stop 2 things.....going to the hall and having sex with him! lol!!!! NOW, he begs, tries to buy me the things I've always wanted but never asked for, wants to take me on vacations, just the 2 of us (but, thru all these years I would beg for his time to be with me...I was not deserving of that and if we did go away, we would miss field service and our own meetings. If we did go away, he would make it HELL for me.)
So, now....GAME OVER. I won, despite what the dumb-a$$ 'friends' tell him! I give him HELL EVERYDAY. As easy as just not talking to him or inviting him to family functions or vacations with the kids. HE CRIES NOW & IT KILLS HIM, he says. Karma is a BI***! As the JWS that!