Just an honest question? What are your thoughts?
You know, "the New Order is right around the corner. Those who have fallen asleep in death may be resurrected in less than 2 years, friends."
Well, those were the words at my uncle's funeral........
just an honest question?
what are your thoughts?
you know, "the new order is right around the corner.
Just an honest question? What are your thoughts?
You know, "the New Order is right around the corner. Those who have fallen asleep in death may be resurrected in less than 2 years, friends."
Well, those were the words at my uncle's funeral........
oh dear sweet jeebus:.
i enjoy making return visits and helping out on bible studies.
on my better days, i like to witness from house to house.barbara, who has a brain tumor.. i carry only a very light magazine bag.
@ TROUBLE MIN, @ WHITE DOVE, @ YOUR MOMMA ---- DAMN!!!!! Did we all attend the same congregation of elders or what??? OOOOPS!!!! My bad!! We were all in the same CULT!!!
BTW - to the author of this post...EXCELLANTE!!! You've awakened the BEAST in us all!
oh dear sweet jeebus:.
i enjoy making return visits and helping out on bible studies.
on my better days, i like to witness from house to house.barbara, who has a brain tumor.. i carry only a very light magazine bag.
Girl...No!!!!! He's going to the meetings looking all "forlorn" and "Oh, he's the poor brother who brings his kids to the hall all by his lonesome self." He luuuuuuuuvvvs the attention! Going to the assemblies all alone w/the kids and the whole 9 yards.
Hell, as wives and mothers in this organization, you'd better have your butt in attendance and in field service! You're tired????? Soooooo, what's your point??!!!! Whew!!! And don't let hubby be an elder. Your life is HIS!!!!
Oh, please believe me! He's living the 'double-life'! But,he attends the meetings faithfully and field service faithfully. So, I guess that negates the double-life.
He talks about me behind my back like I'm a dirty-ass dog. I've been told how I am the "body of any Watchtower or lesson when it comes to apostate in the marriage" discussions. I really feel that why he HATES when I come to hear my daughter give a talk. He doesn't know what I'll say if someone makes an odd-ass comment while I'm there. I do know when I'M the topic of discussion and will nip it in the bud ON THE SPOT! He's NEVER supported my emotional being as a JW. I've learned to be hard due to this f***d up cult.
oh dear sweet jeebus:.
i enjoy making return visits and helping out on bible studies.
on my better days, i like to witness from house to house.barbara, who has a brain tumor.. i carry only a very light magazine bag.
Yessssssss! That was 15 years ago! I haven't been to the hall in over 6 years! That's how long it took me to wake up!
oh dear sweet jeebus:.
i enjoy making return visits and helping out on bible studies.
on my better days, i like to witness from house to house.barbara, who has a brain tumor.. i carry only a very light magazine bag.
Hell!!! I had JUST had my baby on a Sunday! These were just SOME the questions my husband (an elder at the time) had for me by the 4th day:
- When will you start back to Field Service?
- what makes you think you can't still get your pioneer hours just because you just had a baby? Many sisters do it!
- you know you can just sit in the car w/the baby while we are parked in the bank parking lot. As people come out, why don't you just hand them a tract?
- do you preach to ALL that are non-JW to keep up your time?
......and like a DUMB-ASS, I was out there on the 4th day!!!! Stitches and all!! Proving that we were the cute and well Jehovah Witness-oriented cute couple! Stupid as hell when I look back on time in my life!
I truly look back and now understand when people say, "WTF"!!!!!!
Things like that have made me look back and proves my point that this organization is a CULT. It needs TOTAL CONTROL before your mind can be educated elsewhere.
i have been giving a lot of thought to the young people who are leaving the watchtower organization in recent years.
last night, i was reading the thread posted by jwfacts a while back in which he provided some statistics and graphs showing the rapidly declining growth in the watchtower.
one factor that was discussed at length was the high number of young people who do not stay in the organization.
@SHAMUS - I totally agree with you! Jeremy's posting is great! Beyond informative. I wished that so many could ACTUALLY see this.
I feel for the young people. I noticed a bunch of this crap back in the 70s and 80s as a young one. But, who wants to disappoint their parents? All I had to look forward to was pioneering full time right out of high school, getting married at the age of 19. He had to be 'spiritual' and at least a ministerial servant. Preach, preach, preach and be pillars in the congregation for other young families.
We are not taught REAL social skills for the REAL future. We are likened to "Stepford Jehovah's Witnesses".
It's a sad, sad and pitiful life for young ones growing up in this religion. Only to find:
1) you WILL NOT get a hold on the REAL LIFE
2) you WILL be pestered once you realize you are in a cult
3) you WILL grow old and die IN THIS SYSTEM.
Please continue to give this message to the young ones in this cult. WE ARE THEIR ONLY HOPE!
i am looking thru different posts.
please can someone shoot me a link...asap!!!
this cult has waaaay too much time on their hands..
Thanks to all of you!!! I feel physically sick having to go thru this. I can't believe they would be so damn willing to LIE!
Why I'm shocked, I don't know!
just felt a tremor in boston and was on the phone when it happened with a coworker in dc - shook the building there :).
must be the last days!.
Well, I'm sure the Society will scare everytone into Field Service for the next few days! The End Is Near, Friends!!!!
i am looking thru different posts.
please can someone shoot me a link...asap!!!
this cult has waaaay too much time on their hands..
I am looking thru different posts. PLEASE CAN SOMEONE SHOOT ME A LINK...ASAP!!! This cult has waaaay too much time on their hands.
apparently it's now ok for known child abusers to be recommended as elders as long as the "sin" was years in the past: .
"for example, the sin may involve past child abuse, and this would likely disqualify him for years.
" - shepherd the flock of god, p. 38 (2010).
Not shocked at all!