Thanks Jeff...I am going to see if I can get this in our local newspaper.
i was thinking earlier of how the recent mega-million dollar catholic settlement in la is an ideal opportunity, in letters to the editor in local newspapers, to highlight the hypocrisy of the witnesses in how they have handled similar abuse cases.
a couple of points that might be useful to make this applicable anywhere: .
1. in the kingdom news #37 tract distributed around the country last fall.
Thanks Jeff...I am going to see if I can get this in our local newspaper.
i'm getting some more tonight but i got these from the photographer because he put them online.. check back on this thread for more pictures later.. link:.
Beautiful make a beautiful bride. I loved your flowers, and the bridesmaids dresses...very classy looking wedding.
he commented on another site:.
oh, i must mention: when barbara and rud publish, they will shake the foundations of the watchtower society, and i will have to rewrite many parts of apocalypse delayed to fit with the newly revealed information.
no one knows the dry rot that has existed in that organization as do they.
Wow this is exciting...I can't wait until we hear what it is about. My thoughts are with Barb as she exposes the real "evil slave."
i like the show "scrubs".
dr. perry cox is hilarious, so is janitor.
gotta love that show.. whats yours?.
but i've been here for about two years, and i feel like i'm friends with so many people that have no idea who i am.
i post every now and again, but mostly i just read.
any other lurkers who feel the same way?
I also read more then I post. I have to agree with the others, if you don't post right away your thoughts are usually already been said by someone else. Seems kind of redundant to say something that has already been posted. JMO
amateur video producer and first post here.
i just posted my new video on youtube: watchtower - time to blow the cover.. enjoy!.
Loved the video...loved the music. Great job, and welcome to the board.
when i was with the jws i met a woman named kathy and we became friends.
kathy was going through a lot of struggles i didn't understand.
she had been married twice (her first husband died) and married a second time.
It is possible that he was not baptized so they could not do anything to him. The poor woman...this religion has destroyed so many lives it is enough to make you want to hurl. When it comes to anything immoral most elders are tougher on woman they are on men. You know boys will be boys, but those wanton woman that mislead those boys. It is really disgusting.
i'll start with my congregation....... there have been about 7 disfellowshippings in my congregation alone within the last year.
over half the congo is inactive and many more are irregular pubs.
young people in the congo are dropping like flies.
Around here they are growing, but it mostly in the Spanish speaking congos. I hope that the rank and file are getting smarter, and jumping ship. Time will tell, don't think you will see it crumbling, but hopefully slow but sure it will not have the control that it does now.
if i could have chosen a father, i would have chosen him, but he chose me instead.
i am deeply saddened by the loss of this bright mind and generous spirit.
now he is free:.
Sorry to hear of your loss. He sounds like he would have been a fascinating man to talk with.
it's been a long time since i posted here but i often read your messages when ian (dansk) logs on.
as most of you will know, ian will be going back into hospital on monday for an allogeneic stem cell transplant and will be away from the forum for a good few weeks (hopefully he'll be back home within 4-6 weeks).
last time he was in hospital many of you sent messages to his ward and i know they cheered him up immensely.
Good luck to Ian....we are praying for the both of you.