Rocky Girl- I think that believers saying this to me do so because religion is mostly about emotion. They push love Love LOVE and with stories about god burning people forever in hell or handing out immediate death sentences, they push fear Fear FEAR. And, they only agree with science when it agrees with them because it gives them an uncomfortable feeling to go against their god and make him angry Angry ANGRY. Every move you make in a religion is a move of the heart. So, they equate someone's dismissal of god as an emotional leave of religion the same way one would simply change religions.
I think it's beyond believers to sometimes sit back and understand what it is to dismiss how you feel about something and just accept the garden as it is. We leave our hearts out of it and value our thinking abilities, whereas believers value the heart's opinon over most everything.
Rebel- Yeah, I'm not one who generally talks about religion with belivers. I've only had 2 or 3 conversations about it with close relatives and my best friend and this comment is always said to me at some point in the conversation. After the last one, I said I'd never do it again and haven't. Religion is all about 'what's in your heart' which is the same as an opinion, and it's pretty useless to debate opinions. I bring this thread up because I watched an interview with Nate Phelps- the shunned son of Fred Phelps, leader of the Westboro Baptist Church- and he gets this repsonse all the time.
NC- Ha! We were so confident that we were right. *facepalm*
Isaac- I think the people I've actually had a conversation with about it tell me this, not really out of generosity, but because they think it will "snap me out of it" and help me "realize" that I'm just overreacting. It does bother me a lot though, when in passing, I say I don't believe and the person stops and shifts tones as if I'm not the same person as before and am now evil. God certianly does not have the monopoly on good.
Bungi Bill- I think the same is true for me. If I hadn't been swallowed up at such a young age to JW, I wouldn't have been very concerned about god's existence later in life.
OTWO- word
leaving- Yes, this is true. If I hadn't gone on to obsess about what is real and true and research these things, then I would have simply remained an agnostic. I said for a while that I was a 'personal agnostic'- I couldn't deny that other people were having a relationship with god but despite all of my efforts to reach him, he never entered my life and I never sensed a closeness to him. When a person is always being told what is right and what is wrong to the point of abusive control it's not unusual that the person will search for themselves what is right and wrong.
designs- Cool. You could put a lot of good stuff in there! You're only a(n) *activist, volunteer, compassionate person, thinker first lover second, patient person, good salesman, etc...* because of the abusive relationship you had with your former religion. That's hot!
Thanks for your responses ^_^