That is really good news Simon.
Give him a (((hug))) for me.
My dad passed on a couple years back and I never hugged him enough.
JoinedPosts by libra_spirit
Good news about my dad !
by Simon infirst off, many, many thanks for all the help & support over the last week or so.
it has been a tremendous help.
apologies if i haven't replied to every email i'd had .
New Light On Blood
by freeman inin order for meat to be blood free, as the jews and the early christians would have understood it, one has to cut the neck of the animal and let its heart pump the blood out.
not hit it over the head like they do in the slaughterhouses today.
also you have to remove the veins and arteries starting at the neck working down.
Jesus said, "do not worry about the meat you buy in a meatmarket" did he not?
The Jews are still worrying.When you shoot a deer, you may as well just gut him out. By the time you get to him his heart has stopped for sure. You cut the throat and nothing comes out anyway. All the blood is setting inside where it stopped. Most meat you buy at the store is still dripping blood, it would take extreme measures to remove it all.
WT has your info on Disk
by Patriot indogpatchs' post on the u.k.s df'd or da form reminded me of a conversation i had with a sister about 6 months ago who still works in bethel.. she work in the section where the wt makes copies of videos and tapes.. she was called to see the supervisor in of of the computer data entry sections (im sorry but i don't know the exact title of these jobs or "wings"), she had tried to get into that field due to her vast experience in computer networking before marrying a bethelite.. well she said that she walked into the offices only to be told that the sup.
was out for a minute.
while she was hanging out for the sup.
They are compiling the names of all the evil doers, just as Jesus has NOT commanded them to do! They are keeping track of all the sin, just as Satan would have them do. Holding on to it, rather then letting it go. Magnifing it rather then forgiving. Wollowing in it and preserving it rather then healing it!
Wow, now aren't they so important, helping Satan keep the deception healthy. Are they not doing Satans work for him here?
Lets keep track of all the evil acts and evil people. Hmmmmm.....
The JW's should start using Gods name
by libra_spirit inallah!.
they need to put that in thier new world translation!.
and stick it up thier.....whoops!
They need to put that in thier New World Translation!
And stick it up thier.....Whoops! Calm down....
Proof the WT is God's Org?
by mindfield ini recall a conversation i once had with my jw uncle about the many doctrinal flip-flops, the blood issue, and how some in the cong.
treated me like @w#$@ even though i was never baptized.. funny, the only thing he could defend himself with was "well, do you know of any other religion that insists on god's name?
" i didn't know of any, so i coudn't really say yes.
There are other names for God.
"Elo heem" is but another one.
"Elohim" is another.
We could write up some more Bibles with these more powerfull names now couldn't we.
How about we take the New Testament and put "Allah" in everywhere we find the word Lord?
Hmmmm that might help the Islams a little but I think a few Christians might get upset....LOL
Proof the WT is God's Org?
by mindfield ini recall a conversation i once had with my jw uncle about the many doctrinal flip-flops, the blood issue, and how some in the cong.
treated me like @w#$@ even though i was never baptized.. funny, the only thing he could defend himself with was "well, do you know of any other religion that insists on god's name?
" i didn't know of any, so i coudn't really say yes.
I never could figure out why it is so important to give God a name. If there is only one God he really doesn't need a name now does he....LOL
Now if you want to start making many Gods then you can see how it might get confusing if you don't use names.....LOL
Lets see Jehovah God(father), Jesus God(son), the Active Force (Holy Spirit)....
Now I wonder why they don't give the Holy Spirit a name too, it's just as important.
Why not "Sam the Holy Ghost"
Now I think that a TRUE Christian would be one who uses the Holy Spirits Name, "Sam". As a matter of fact I better just run out and write me up a new Bible and put that CORRECT name back in there!
Jehovah, Jesus, and Sam
All 3 of them are Gods now aren't they?
This is a demonstration of how the JW's got thier Doctrine, I think!
christian freedom ministry
by NoDread inminister/elder thinking of starting a ministry that caters to individuals out of fundementalist religions.
a fellowship that focuses on the role of jesus as savior but does not require those gathering to believe in any strict interpertation of scripture.
i have been approached by different non-denominational ministers in my area to act as an associate pastor of their churches and provide an outreach program for former j.w.. some have even indicated that such a ministry might prove usefull for many after having left the watchtower.
Wow, that is an awesome oppertunity!
You could focus on only the first four books of the New testament, and maybe even find that book that contains only quotes from Jesus mouth. As the old testament is all Jewish Vengfull stuff and the rest of the NT is the Apostle's "burden your brothers" laws they made after Jesus was no longer there to correct them.
Would your faith be an OPEN one or a CLOSED one?
IE, will you discipline your followers, seperating them from all non believers?
Will you preach that everyone outside Christianity is evil?
Will you accept homosexuals?
Will you minister to prostitutes?
Will you practice the laying on of hands?
Will you imitate Jesus?
Can the Holy Spirit work through you? Do you have a working understanding of how it does?All I know is you better know what the program is going in, plan plan plan. Then go for it. You are sure to recieve blessings if you follow Spirits lead in this. If you benifite but one person it will have been a rewarding and loving pursuit.
And I like that word "Freedom" in there.
Love and Light,
DL -
Former Elders and Friendly Fire
by jst2laws ini fought many years from inside as an independent spirit trying to change or at least mitigate damage done by the wtbts.
i met ted jaracz, in the early 1970s when he was called into bethel to serve on the gb.
this mans control of the service department and the gb is what i have fought for 3 decades but recently conceded this system is beyond reforming.
There is a Spiritual principle at work here.
Stated simply "Everything happens for a reason"All is the result of great planning and much effort on the astral and inner planes where we are intricatly planning this all out, so as to benefite the most people in the most powerfull ways possible.
Can you say that anyone should spend thier whole life here and never leave, that would be silly. You may not like why people seem to leave but is it really necessary for everyone to have a loving reason to exit. Sometimes our own obsessions need some devine intervention to put us on another path. Sometimes we need a good kick in the pants to realize we have beaten our head against the wall long enough. Or maybe we have finally done enough for others and the scale is now balanced. Who can say?
I try to "Give it to Spirit" and accept what people want to do, giving them the total freedom to do that, without assinging blame. Even when fights break out, I try to ask myself "Why do these two need to fight?" Who am I to say it will not bring some greater benefite down the road.
And lastly "Trust in Spirit to provide the expierences we are ready for next" I wish them well on thier path wherever it may take them next.
These principles exist in many so called Religions under different names and they are accepted by most Spiritual paths.
Suck the nectar from the Religions but toss the thorns.
Press Release: JWs and Child Molestation
by JohnJBB123 injanuary 10, 2002. for immediate release:.
approaches to education, inc. again calls jehovahs witnesses leaders to account.
in recent months william bowen blew the whistle on jehovah witnesses leaders' policy concerning the treatment of victims of child molestation within the religion.
Sounds intresting. Maybe this will bring reproach on Jehovahs name..LOL
It also might draw some attention to the Governing Body, and just what kind of decisions they are making, and just how much power they really have, and to how much power the local elders actually have.
The power to destroy lives.
I don't see how that could do any disservice. -
we were never s'pose to die????
by Julie inout of the many things from the bible i wonder about there was one i thought i would share with you all and see if you may have any interesting insights on this issue.. according to the bible man was suppose to live forever, no sickness, easy childbirth for women, just your basic paradise, right?.
so ok, we all know that because that wretched eve screwed it up for all of us and everything we now have suffering and death.. my problem with all of this is this: what if all the people who had ever lived had never died?
how many of us would there be on the planet?
That's an easy one. After the earth was filled God would simply change everyone into Gays, leaving only two hetero's for colonization of some other planet out there.