Running Ahead of the Organization - You know stuff before the GB knows stuff. A no-no. Never mention you know stuff that they don't know.
Posts by Lieu
JW terminology
by punkofnice inparadise earth after god kills all non jws.
paradise earth after god kills all non jws.
paradise earth after god kills all non jws.
OMG They are right here in River City!
by myway2007 injacksonville, fl - the local newspaper had an article on the convention going on for the next two weekends.
while i could not find the article, i was able to find this slide show of this weekend's events.
the newspaper article was interesting as it discussed what a wonderful job they were doing cleaning the arena seats and bathrooms and everyone was enjoying their job.
Hey! I'd hire a crew for janitorial services. An all lady crew ( I've never seen a male do any cleaning up.) -
That’s What Happens When You Leave the Truth.
by John Aquila init never failed, when someone got disfellowshipped or left the organization, their life became shambles.
if married, a divorce ensued.
if the person had a great job, the company would lay-off or close.
Well, that's because JWs equate the Org with God. "If you leave the Org, you leave Jehovah". If you disagree, same thing. Yet who in their right mind would put up with all that negative brow beating?
The Org is the locked room with the electrified floor. The R&F is the dog. The Org constantly applies shock to the R&F who can't get out of the room. After months/years of being shocked, the R&F (still being shocked) won't leave the room, even if someone unlocks and opens the door.
They don't seem to get that some may leave because they simply don't like the WTBTS anymore.
You can't leave us, we love you! Creepy really. Kinda like a crazy abusive significant other.
Why using Jehovah for God's name is as good as using Yahweh
by oppostate inin another thread i wrote some notes about why using jehovah in english is as good as using yahweh.
i'm starting a discussion on this topic because it sounds quite ignorant to hear people talk of the monk who started using it in latin without really understanding why the monk did so.. the spanish dominican monk, raymundus martini, in 1270, didn't get hoodwinked by an old jewish superstition about pronouncing the divine name with the vowel points of another word.. 1. first the vowel points of adonay and jehovah cannot be the same for grammatical reasons.
you just can't use the same vowel points because some vowels aren't paired with some consonants in pronouncing hebrew words.
Why bother? Jesus never did. Not even once.
It isn't the name given by which all men can get saved anyway.
And when God took out a people "for his name", they were called Israelites.
And no one cares about a "Dark Ages" monk. He would have done better passing out bread to Europe's starving masses who were being treated as parias by the RCC.
Is the Org Putting Elders in the Firing Line?
by The Searcher inin view of the conti verdict of negligence by the org, are elders who are selected by the c.o.
now in a precarious position?
"charity trustees face potential liabilities in a number of ways.
All Elders need to demand a college (continuing education) course on EEOC & basic abuse law with a level 1 psychology class (human behavior). Then 1 year mandatory ride a longs with their local police child abuse detectives.
They should not be allowed or responsible for rendering decisions on legal matters for which they have no accredited or real world training.
How do you feel about exJW's who resist our efforts to effect change?
by nicolaou ini've met a few.
i'm not talking about the jw who, whether df'd or not, falls off the radar and just gets on with living a normal life - good luck to them and may there be many more!.
i mean the former jehovah's witness who is now enjoying all the benefits of a cult free life thanks to the efforts of many bloggers, posters and activists, but is critical of the efforts of someone close them to free more jws.
No need for the internet, blogs, or other people's comments for me. Too many complete out of context scriptures, a WT study article which glaringly contradicted the prior weeks article (plus knowing the GB doesn't even review WT articles written by any male member), and the whole ignore Jesus thing was all I needed.
I also already realized that "the other sheep" Jesus referred to were the Gentiles, not some lesser "hope" group.
Now, if anyone is convinced to exit by something they've read on the net, I'm certainly not against it. It was likely something that's been gnawing at their spirit that they could not get a straight answer to from "the society".
Lorenz Reibling gives interview about real estate
by OrphanCrow inthis interview was posted april 16, 2015 on youtube.
lorenz reibling's replies to the reporter in argentina are in english.. lorenz reibling is intimately connected to the watchtower society and, according to some sources, is a jw himself..
so who is lorenz reibling?
He's one of the many shareholders of WTBTS stock. Most don't realize the WTBTS is listed on the NASDAC like any other corporation & that many shareholders are not JW. -
How to Block an Interrogation by J.W's
by The Searcher in"don't you believe that this is god's spirit-directed organization?".
"do you believe that god is teaching us through the faithful & discreet slave?
"who else has the truth?
If you knew it before the GB knew it, then you're "running ahead of the Org". See how that works? For some strange reason the HS works faster in you ... and this is not a good thing to JWs. You must slow down & let the GB win "the race".
So the Holy Spirit should not be telling your lowly nothing self anything 'cause Jesus only mediates with the benevolent in New York USA like the GB and John Smith.
New Jerusalem and New York are like Fozzie and Kermit: Twins.
You too, invent your "new light"
by coalize ini had this idea of topic when john aquila made me laugh in one of his post when he said : new light!the governing body has the right to have sex with all the new virgins that get baptized before they get married.. and then i've decided to open this topic to ask this (stupid but funny) question : if you was in the gb, what's the "new light you will want to fight for?
If anyone let's out a "silent killer" during a meeting, they shall immediately stand and confess their flatulence before all.
In an effort to show our brotherly love more earnestly, all time slips shall henceforth be taken out to the lot and burned with fire.
If a member makes a mess, he shall clean it up. There is to be no more covering by others (females) the transgressions of dirtballs (males).
Any CO or DO who is too lazy or prissy to cut their grass, wash their car, or other household chore will be deemed a bad example and bad association. He will be dealt with swiftly.
OK so the GB are shaming Bros who don't "reach out" but would they ever consider this?...
by purrpurr ini note on here the feedback from the currently ongoing conventions that the gb are heavily trying to guilt and shame any brothers who are not ms or elders.
i agree with most posters who reckon this shows just how thin on the ground they are for ms and elders but... my question is.
how comes that even though they are so desperate they still will not allow women to fill those roles?
Most real Biblical scholars don't think Paul even wrote the Timothy letters or Titus. It seems they are attributed to Paul, yet were written long after his death. They contradict most of what Paul wrote; which were never personal letters.
The "personal" letters set up a no-no hierarchy. The only vestiges of all Christians not being on the same level. Nor to collectively choose their spokesman.
We're talking about a guy who wouldn't even let the Jerusalem group tell him what to do. (Circumcision issue)
As for JWs, you heretic, :-) they only let women do the hard work men refuse to do; like the preaching work.