Posts by Lieu
BOE 2016-01-13 Britain Branch Visit & 2016-01-18 Correct Use of Inboxes
by wifibandit in2016-01-13 re: visit of headquarters representatives .
as part of their visit, a special three-hour programme will be broadcast to all congregationsin britain, ireland and the falkland islands.
the programme will be streamed from bethel, and will be available from saturday afternoon, april 30, at 1:00 p.m.. 2016-01-18 re:correct use of inboxes.
Have fun staring at a screen for 3 hours. -
The Seven - Do they lead God's Congregation?
by TakeOffTheCrown inthere are seven men who proclaim to be the faithful and discreet slave.
but, are they?
That is Jesus' job. The Congregation is his body.
You think Christ would have 7 guys who don't feed, cloth, or otherwise help the needy in his employ? 7 guys making decisions for millions? (How many were in the room to end the circumcision question that would effect a few thousands?)
7 guys that do what exactly that shows the world they're reps of Christ? They take money for buildings and tree pulp, and don't disperse any to those (humans) in need.
Leaders of God's congregation???? I'm not sure Christ even knows them.
Addressing life's big questions
by nelim insomething else i noticed in the awake 2016.2 magazine: very interesting that on page 6 and 7 "life's big questions" they basically pose two:1. science ... cannot define sexual morality.2.
science ... cannot make moral decisions on the embryo’s right to life.but actually, science can: it's called ethics,
kant introduced some interesting concepts how to think about what should be morally right, see deontology.more interesting though for me here is why these two?
Why would scientists be making personal decisions for individuals?
And what pre tell is sexual morality (aside from adultery and rape)?
Widower Judah looking for a prostitute?
Rahab being a prostitute?
Lots daughters both boinking their father?
A duty to Boink your dead brother's wife to provide him an heir?
It seems to me as long as two consenting adults weren't married or engaged, to sex or not to sex was up to them. (Exception for dead brothers with no heir) No repercussions either.
An extraterrestrial, why?
They aren't human up there flittering around space right? At the transfiguration, Jesus turned into some sort of energy being.
How far will they go?
by careful ini've been drawing back lately and looking at the big picture going on in the org, somewhat like slimboyfat has also been doing, but i am wondering about different possibilities.
so the current gb has modernized recently in various ways.
they have done a strong and sudden about-face regarding the electronic world, from viewing the whole thing suspiciously and condemning bros. use tablets from the platform to suddenly embracing them and causing the r&f to do so to such a degree that old ones are spending hundreds of dollars to buy devices that they have no clue how to use; they have heavily embraced this media for their message, very much like the churches have been doing for years, especially with their jw broadcasting and their caleb and sophia animations.
When living in Central Am. The local dress shirt in FS, no jacket. The local dress shirt: 2 versions, long sleeve or short sleeve. In FS, no stockings, usually calf level cool skirt or dress. Shoes depend on season. Monsoon, rubber boots. Normal, nice opened toed for the ladies.
In the KH, males will put on a jacket to give a part. That's about it.
Dress in a presentable manner for the climate and customs.
To me this seams like more than a coincidence ...
by Greybeard insorry if this has been discussed before.... for a few days now, this question has been going through my mind.
what was the date the governing body took the sole role of the faithful and discreet slave and how close was it to the end of the mayan calendar in december of 2012?
i looked it up on and sure enough, checkout the date on this article:.
Lol! Minerals added for taste .... -
Awake 2016.2 experience
by nelim inhi all, what do you think about the experience on page 4 of 2016.2 awake?.
maria, who is one of jehovah’s witnesses, was publicly insulted by a prejudiced woman, who caused quite a commotion.
but instead of retaliating, maria calmly continued on her way.
Kinda like changing real experiences to fabricated ones so they sound better at conventions. How one can stand there relating a lie is beyond me. -
The wonderful things you hear AFTER you step down as an elder!
by redpilltwice inwell, well, that was quite a heartfelt welcome on this site four days ago.
thank you all for the encouraging replies.
one of them was this one from magnum: "hey now, don't just pop your head in and disappear.
I think it's nice to have someone you can express a concern to without getting some ascenine speech. Venting is healthy.
It's a shame so many fear men more than God and say nothing about their concerns. Good thing the Gentile Christians opened their mouths or all males would be getting snipped to this day.
The wonderful things you hear AFTER you step down as an elder!
by redpilltwice inwell, well, that was quite a heartfelt welcome on this site four days ago.
thank you all for the encouraging replies.
one of them was this one from magnum: "hey now, don't just pop your head in and disappear.
Brokethechains, welcome.
Interesting read about Losch. To be expected actually. No concern for the time, effort, or money spent to host him in a home or fix a meal for his benefit. Kept men are use to dismissing the efforts of those considered lessers.
'Not his job to worry about those needs', eh? Well, that too is to be expected. The locals know his name, he doesn't care to know theirs. Just kinda stepped to the other side of the road leaving the locals to bleed out.
Only a true servant called by the Spirit would give a rats ass about the flock entrusted to him. A true servant would know unequivocally that IT IS his JOB to help care for the needs of his brothers.
Some of these men are absolute black hearts. Wait on Jehovah, yes? That's what I say every time they ask for money.
Non JW friends don't understand
by kozmo init never ceases to amaze me that your personal friends have no clue what it is like to have been one.
i was speaking with a friend the other day about having been a jw.
she said, oh i have a dear friend of 30 years who is one and she is so nice!
I explain it as KGB meets SS seasoned with a heap of Joan Crawford and a dash of Napoleon.
Rules, rules, secret meetings, coded speech, more rules, and spies telling if you break the rules. Also looting. Constant mental abuse, sometimes physical. Do more! And lastly, some are exiled.