Never ashamed. I usually answered Christian when asked what religion.
I was never asked denomination: Protestant or sect: Jehovah's Witness
so thinking back about the times when someone has asked my wife what religion she is.
she sheepishly and seems almost embarrassed to say she is a jehovah witness.
when someone asks me, i just say i am a christian.
Never ashamed. I usually answered Christian when asked what religion.
I was never asked denomination: Protestant or sect: Jehovah's Witness
today's text -.
sunday, january 24. they collected the fine ones into containers, but the unsuitable they threw away.—matt.
13:48.. understanding the lesson of this illustration helps us to avoid being overly distraught or disappointed if a bible student or one of our children does not make the truth his own.
god forbid you would talk about the dead person at his funeral.
so what do most people get after living 70-80 years?.
a 5-10 minutes eulogy.
Think about it. JW yearly memorial service. Are the many events of Christ's life spoken about or abstract WT beliefs on loyalty to the Org? Why would you expect anything different for a member's funeral?
Besides, how can the speaker say anything about members he doesn't really know outside of FS reports and meeting attendance?
Pretty much, she's dead hope to see her later. The end. Now, about Jehovahs Witnesses ....
Your death is a jump off for a JW commercial of sorts.
i was browsing through stuff on recently and ran across some expressions that really grate on my nerves: loyal love, loving-care, and loving-kindness, as in: "please exercise loving-kindness toward your servant.
" who talks like that?
they must be relics of the fred franz era.
Repetition for emphasis.
Really? I just thought the speaker was drunk.
i was browsing through stuff on recently and ran across some expressions that really grate on my nerves: loyal love, loving-care, and loving-kindness, as in: "please exercise loving-kindness toward your servant.
" who talks like that?
they must be relics of the fred franz era.
stuckinarut2 .... apparently it's your book bag. Lolz
"Sheep and goats"
Used by JWs to denote good and bad somehow making the only creature, the goat, holy enough be sacrificed for the forgiveness of sin & to carry away sin for the ENTIRE nation of Israel equal to evil.
No sheep was ever taken inside the Holy of Holies; only goats.
"Spirituality weak"
Used by most JWs to describe someone who may be depressed and someone who takes a job with hours that run into a meeting night.
l have observed the types of people attracted to the sect are many times unbalanced,unstable,emotionally insecure types.the jdubs seem to home in like vulchers circling the prey ,preying on the vulnerables.they tried it on me when my father who was an elder died.promising that if you become a dub you will one day see him again.l said how can you promise that when you keep making false misleading predictions.l was wondering if others have observed this phenomenon.
they say ignorance is bliss... well, i wish that god did not give adam free will.
i am ok to not have free will if it means i will live forever in perfect paradisiac has been explained that free will is a gift from god.
they say 'who would want to live life like a robot?
Biblically. If it was given to the angels, why not humans too?
As for 'sin', it simply translates as 'to cause offense'.
a few years after i quit the meetings my mum needed her medical directive signed and witnessed and she asked if i'd do it.
i was surprised to say the least!.
i think she was just angling to include me and maybe find some lever to get me involved again.
there were other people who either killed themselves or tried to kill themselves while they were at "the house of god.
one person who did kill himself was richard wheelock, press room overseer ......he jumped out of a window at the watchtower farm one day.
it seemed, he was never quite the same after his wife "willy" died.
2016-01-13 re: visit of headquarters representatives .
as part of their visit, a special three-hour programme will be broadcast to all congregationsin britain, ireland and the falkland islands.
the programme will be streamed from bethel, and will be available from saturday afternoon, april 30, at 1:00 p.m.. 2016-01-18 re:correct use of inboxes.