Well, there's no proof to any of the GB's claims; never has been. It's pretty much all "because I say so" with nothing to back it up. Simply self appointment.
Faithful and discreet Slave - because I said I am
God's channel of communication - because I said I am
Christ's substitutes - because I said I am
(G)aurdians (O)f (D)octrine - because I said I am
Glorious Ones - because I said I am
Don't question about it me either.
They are 'end times' fenatics. Their message is strictly doom and gloom. There's no light load, rest, or peace with end timers. A lot of drinking tho'.
Over 100 years of wild speculation on a worldwide scale leading to the flagrant destruction of their memberships' lives. From the rebranding of the failed 1914, to Rutherford's failed 1925, to Fred Franz failed 1975 (yes, Fred himself gave the Feb 1975 Convention address in LA's Sports Arena espousing that crazy mess) ... then blaming the false prophesy whooplah on low members errant "expectations".
They began that way and will end that way. It works for them.