The WTS is not on the road, last I heard they were in a boat that was 'tacking' in different directions on the open sea.
Did they come to a port yet? i may have missed that. :)
"narrow and cramped is the road leading to life", right?
well with that quote, the witnesses have always justified the fact that they are still god's chosen people, even though they are not that large compared to other worldwide religions.
yet i was wondering something, if smaller is a sign of god's people, then how small is small enough.
The WTS is not on the road, last I heard they were in a boat that was 'tacking' in different directions on the open sea.
Did they come to a port yet? i may have missed that. :)
it seems that many people here have been greatly depressed because they were or still are jehovah's witnesses.
what about you?
Who really is supposed to care what standing one has before man?
Certainly Jesus did not die in good standing before man...screw that!
Worrying about what men think is what drives myriads of JWs to "pick their poison".
What I noticed is that God did not seem to be insatiable, but a whole buch of men using God sure were. So, I ignored them and still do.
Depressed as a JW? Sure, who wouldn't be depressed with such silliness. I felt like I was just a number working in a factory with a broken punch card machine that continuously caused my paycheck to come up short.
a question in the current written review asserts that "the loyalty that marks jehovah's organisation transcends every human relationship, such as that of close flesh-and-blood relatives.
" - question 35 .
note that loyalty that "transcends every human relationship" is not to god, but to the 'organisation'.
Loyalty begets loyalty.
Loyalty to Christ and to one else when it comes to matters of faith.
As Paul commented on the folks saying they were followers of certain men, "who is Paul, Apollos, ..."? Certainly, Paul did not die for us and neither did anybody in Brooklyn. So, I'll go along with Paul's comments and say Christ is my leader, I belong to Christ not the WBTS.
i don't miss being spoken to like i was someones best friend when i know they wouldn't pee on me if i was on fire.. i don't miss always standing on my own and having no one come and talk to me.. i don't miss having people talk around me about the great time they had at the latest sport/barbecue/dinner get-together which i wasn't invited to because i'm not spiritual enough.. i don't miss not having friends in the truth or out of the truth because i shouldn't mix with wordly people.. i don't miss being so bored for all those hours a week.. i don't miss all the false smiles people give me when i look at them at the hall and the way they look away when i walk past them at the shopping center.. .................. anyone got anymore?
I don't miss feeling like a slave of men.
I don't miss never having a real Bible discussion.
I don't miss having questions which I could not ask.
I don't miss the "phonies" during the CO's visit.
I don't miss the boring songs played by tape in an octave that no human being could sing.
I don't miss people who could not have a conversation about an everyday topic.
I don't miss people who never say, "my thoughts are", but say, "well the WT says".
I don't miss elders, MS, who talk AT you and not TO you.
I don't miss the same drivel from the platform, day in and day out.
I guess I don't miss anything.
at the district convention, the highlight was always said to be the dramas.
did you really look forward to them?
was there one that ever stood out?
I liked the late 70's to mid 80's full costume dramas. Back then, there was actually a Bible theme and I couldn't wait to see them.
My favorite was the drama where Jezebel got tossed from the window( platform). Sodom was my second fave to that one.
When DC(s) started the "today" life boring behind tacky dramas, I stopped paying attention altogether. Now, the entire convention is completely boring.
"Won't it be wonderful to live on a paradise earth, friends?" <--------------repeated 79,000 times.
comments you will not hear at the 2-2-03 wt study
december 15, 2002.
use the bible, not wt publications.
You mean Nordic race...
Aryan actually refers to the people from India (ie. Aryan Mountains). Hitler borrowed it in his quest to find the mystical Shangraila (sp?)...a place where the perfect Indo-European people, in his mind, existed.
Good comments as usual, though.
edited to add page 6&7 .
who remembers studying this book?
hands up.
~Hand raised~
It used to be the book given only to Missionaries, now its the one given to Pioneers.
why does wts keep printing in their literature that jehovah will judge when in the gosple of john it clearly states that christ will judge, and that judging was given to the son by the father?
"for the father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the son," john 5:22
Jesus? My bad!!
Oh, I remember...the person who's death was hailed and celebrated once a year yet was not mentioned for the rest of the year?
As a matter of fact, I recall being told that if anyone approached you and said "Praise the Lord" or "Jesus is Lord", they were considered 'demonized' and you were to immediately run from them.
I always had the opinion that as a JW I was supposed to be somewhat "ashamed" of speaking about Jesus. Not mentioning him felt soooo unnatural.
maybe the "last days" really are not as "hard to deal with" as the wts would like us the think..... murders drop to 19th century levels.
tuesday, december 31, 2002 posted: 3:43 pm est (2043 gmt).
story tools .
I know the world is in a terrible state....never before has the world experienced food shortages, pestilences, worldwide market crashes, or big wars.....
Oh puuuuleeeeze!
PS. CA could fall into the ocean and the rest of the country secretly wouldn't care. With one big squoosh we get rid of Ebonics, the 9th Circuit Court System, Rodney King and the rioters, PITA and the other nutty groups, Cher, Hollywood, Michael Jackson...the list just goes on and on....
back when i was a member of the borg, was my favorite site.
it was sorta like this one, only you heard the same, boring fluff all the time (until obie put in the mature subjects board, thanks man!).
i'm wondering who else used to be a regular poster there?