Um, no.
Posts by Lieu
What if WBTS is right?
by african GB Member inpeople, please don't be angry at me, but do you sometimes ask yourselves this question?
i do..
Ridiculous Comment By a Super JW
by mentallyfree31 ina few years back, before i had any doubts and when i was a hardcore jw, i remember a super-pioneer-jw sister was conversing with me.
i made the comment about some of my friends at work (all non-witnesses).
she stops me mid sentence and says "friends?
Yet, the experience of others proves
And just who are these "others" and exactly what are their "experiences" that "prove" something?
Those articles remind me of the Pharasies having a fit over Jesus hanging out with that sinfully wild-n-crazy tax collector. For shame!
Now that's a sink hole! (Guatemala City)
by Think About It in.
sink hole in guatemala city caused by the tropical storm.
i seen a view from the top and you couldn't see the bottom.
The alienz did it, like they do everything else that makes you go hmmm.
GB closing down and selling Central American Branches to be serviced out of Mexican Branch
by cattails inthe gb is closing down and selling all central american branches.
the congregations are to be serviced out of the mexican branch.. they end the letter by saying that aren't the congregations in the.
central american territory to be expecting great rejoicing since they'll.
Why pick Mexico over highly stable Panama & Costa Rica? Neither of these two have militaries (=no coups), neither gets hit due to location by hurricanes or tsunamis, both are first world, highly educated, and friendly. The latter are actually in Central America, Mexico is not.
Interesting. Not a very wise decision me thinks .... but maybe they're going for the easy bribes ... maybe they're branching out into narcotics or something.
Silly things I wondered as a kid
by exwhyzee inif god is like a loving father why did he set up a way for adam and eve to possibly fail by putting the "magic tree" in the garden?
if my dad sabotaged his kids this way or felt the need to test our love him he'd be considered an abusive father.. when god put an angel with a spinning sword in front of the entrance to the garden why didn't a&e walk a few miles down from there and climb over the wall ?
was there a wall ?.
As a kid:
I wondered why I couldn't do anything fun.
I wondered why those of little means were treated as second class to those of better means.
I wondered why no one seemed to like mentioning Jesus.
I wondered why my dad was supposed to die in the big A since he's a pretty cool guy.
All sorts of stuff.
What is the meaning in "Praying" for someone about to die ?
by chrisjoel inim not sure i understand why we do this.
i met r.franz after i left jws and meeting him was a nice experience.
it was a kind of turning point in my life and i guess his books helped put the final nail in the coffin of my departure from jws.
I recall some praying for God to forgive those killing them & praying to be able to endure whatever type of persecution.
I don't recall anyone in the Bible praying for anyone else about to die. I think that may be a spin off of the ancient Egyptians & Greeks.
Audio: Generation teaching as explained at the San Diego District Convention 05-30-2010
by kurtbethel inthis is an excerpt from the final talk of the day, "remain in the secret place of the most high".
i looked around as this explanation was being offered up, and the looks on the faces of people there was mostly disinterest.
this is a very convoluted explanation that reminds me of someone running a con and trying to cobble together an explanation to deal with legitimate objections to their false claims..
I could sooo not listen to that whole file. I'll try again when I'm drunk.
Thanx for the file.
A few new pictures from Alaska
by upnorth inlast week (i left on 5-17-10) i was sent to juneau to work i took about 5 gb worth of pictures and a few short video clips.
the camera was a nikon coolpix l22, it's a pretty decent little camera.
unfortunately it had a dust spot or two under the lens.
Nice snaps. Beautiful place.
Too bad it rains too much and is dark near 6 months out of a year. (aka forever night)
I didn't know what a JW was, until I fell for one
by headoverheels inwhen i fell for him i was completely unaware of his upbringing as a jw and only became aware once he decided to leave a few months back.
being raised without much of a religious basis, besides the typical western christian exposure, i have researched, read, attended groups, read in this forum, to try to better understand him, and jws, but i am feeling at a loss here.
he just recently left the jws and now i am experiencing this struggle with him; i am wondering how much of our problems can be contributed to this transition.
Sheesh!!! This guy is only your BF right? He curses you already? Are you crazy?!!
Kick him to the curb before you become his punching bag. [I'm serious.]
He has zero respect for you.
Most-Ignored Scriptures by JWs
by Mad Sweeney inthe watchtower has been known for over 130 years as a great scriptural cherry-picker.
they pick out disparate unrelated verses and combine them to support the wackiest of wacky doctrines.. on the other hand there are many scriptures they almost never address, whether because they contradict wt doctrine or because they simply don't have a clue what they mean or how to spin them to the wt advantage.. one of these is revelation 19:1 that mentions a "great crowd" "in heaven.
" the only time it is ever brought up it is dismissed.
Duet 18:
19 Whoever refuses to listen to the words that prophet speaks in my name will answer to me.
20 But any prophet who dares to say something in my name that I didn't command him to say or who speaks in the name of other gods must die."
21 You may be wondering, "How can we recognize that the LORD didn't speak this message?"
22 If a prophet speaks in the LORD's name and what he says doesn't happen or come true, then it didn't come from the LORD. That prophet has spoken on his own authority. Never be afraid of him.