Posts by Lieu
What on earth have the JW org got to offer?
by Half banana inwhat on earth have jw org got to offer?.
one hundred and thirty six years this july of the worlds most published and least read magazine: the inglorious watchtower.
nothing in it which is original has been of any use to mankind.
Er, a joyful existence as a monk at a book factory for young poorly educated men? -
A Whole New Watchtower Society (Governing Body 3.0 / Simplified Society)
by FusionTheism ina whole new watchtower society (governing body 3.0 / simplified society).
i'm not here to attack the governing body, watchtower society, or the jehovah's witnesses (jw) organization.
the bible says there is just "one hope" for christians (ephesians 4:4).
You forgot "invisible enthronements" and rabid analogies of us (annointed)verse them(earthies).
The 1914 invisible enthronement is the WTBTS very reason for existence. Their claim to fame so to speak. I guess that whole sit at my right hand business was a lie since Christ's enemies are running amok while he's supposedly enthroned already. Either that or he should be fired for doing a piss poor job. I see no seasons of refreshing.
Also the many analogies make absolutely no sense. At times, they're just plain stupid. Some things were said just for the people of that time. Most things said do not have double meanings.
The real issue is long term solvency.
by joe134cd inok every one raves on at how miserable and tight wt is, while they are literally swimming in money and assets.
although this may be true this isn't the real issue or the problem to begin with.
the problem is having a long term survivable business plan.
Well Rutherford did say, "religion is a snare and a racket", as he laughed while driving a brand new car every year. -
Three elders show up "to encourage me" after 10 years!
by Wasanelder Once in"hey brother wasa, come on back to the meetings.
" (after 10 years) so i respond that the situation with pedophiles is out of hand.
they tell me "we" elders have received tons of training on the subject, its not like it was 10 years ago.
Three? Sounds like loads of fun times. Since I've never been afraid of them, I'd probably mention that I could feel the spirit and then offer them some; likely vodka & cranberry. -
"Your bad attitude is evident, because you don't bring a meeting bag to the meetings anymore!"
by stuckinarut2 inyes friends.....this is the comment said to me by an elder!.
"your bad attitude is evident because you don't bring your meeting bag anymore!".
i calmly replied: "but everything i need is on the tablet now......".
Haaaaa!!!!! -
What I Learned Today
by OneFingerSalute injust thought i would share what i learned today sitting for several miserable hours at the circus assembly.. while i took "notes" i just cannot stand trying to type out all the details.
so suffice it to say the entire program can be covered with these few observations.. do more!
give more!
Shame. I see they still keep attempting to kill off the Son to steal his inheritance for themselves. Odd ball "Christians" who never speak of Christ.
I guess that would be too much of a problem for JWs; all that forgiveness, light loads, helping the poor, non judgmental humility, and such.
"What will I do if I leave Jehovah's Witnesses ?"
by Balaamsass2 inwhenever we visit the board we see a lot of angst among jehovah's witnesses who are just learning the tatt (the truth about the truth).
hey, don't feel bad, we had it at one time ourselves.
"angst means fear or anxiety (anguish is its latinate equivalent, and anxious, anxiety are of similar origin).
When you were 'advised' to cut off all your prior aquaintences it was so everything in your life could be controlled without you being able to have any outside support.
Everything with Witnesses is conditional. And that condition is based on outward appearances of blind obedience and constant fear. Fear of Satan everywhere, fear of never doing "enough", or fear of that one misstep leading to you in that infamous picture from the old Paradise Lost/Regained book. It's a 24/7 mental Inquisition. Throw off that burdensome yoke of fear men keep spoon feeding you. It is of no benefit to you or anyone else.
Go live your life in the here and now. Go do some truly good stuff for others and also yourself.
Apostasy Trial - Part 2 - Satan is Using Google
by berrygerry in
I simply wouldn't answer any of their questions. If they inquired about my lack of answers, I would say that I was a footstep follower of Christ. He felt no need to answer his unjust accusers and neither do I.
Is it common for old men to marry young JW?
by adjusted knowledge ini left in the 90's and marriage partners were similar in age at my former congregation.
i ran into a former jw friend from my childhood.
i haven't seen him in 15 years.
Sure. At one time young fit men were all off to Bethel while young ladies were left with slim to no suitable mates in their age ranges. It changed a bit when so many young ladies went off marrying "worldly" guys. I mean really, unless by serious love choice, what 20 something wants grandpa for a husband? -
I'm an ABSENTHEIST. Are you also?
by EdenOne init just dawned on me.
the existence of god can't be proved, neither is there evidence of god's inexistence.
so, i'm neither theist neither atheist.
I understand completely what EdenOne is saying. Odd how so many others do not.
The problems with understanding is that modern people attest the ancient to today. But not just to today, to "Western" thought. Um, no. That's the mistake JWs make.
Ancients worshiped the planets Jupiter & Venus. A lack of extreme air pollution allowed for easy viewing of the planets. (No telescope required) In pre-Colonial America, some Tribes worshiped a Great Spirit, others the Earth itself. In Asia it could be believed that cows were hosts to 300 or more souls/gods, or man himself was God. So...