Posts by Lieu
If I win the lottery
by eyeuse2badub ini haven't yet won the state lottery but i purchased a lottery ticket last night.
if i win the lottery, it's $150 million.. if i win, my name is publicly announced and of course my picture gets into the news.
i will probably get df'ed.. however, will the wtbts accept a hefty "donation' from my 'lucky' winnings?
Here, they cannot announce your name or show your pic unless you give permission. You can remain anonymous by Law. -
Judge questions whether confession privilege should extend to Jehovah's Witnesses
by GodZoo ina us judge is considering whether it is constitutional to have a law that protects the clergy of just one religious denomination from disclosing what is said to them in confession.
(including what's said in judicial confessions by peodophiles.
Simon is correct, IMHO. There's only one mediator and it isn't a human. Also, if you "sin" against someone, you are supposed to go to that person and ask forgiveness before asking God directly for forgiveness, not some un involved human 3rd party.
Confessional is an irrelevant non Biblical farse created by the very Europeans who created differing classes of Christian adherents from their pagan Roman and Greek customs.
Jews don't confess their sins to any man. Jesus & the Apostles were Jews.
I Hate the Sound of the Word Jehovah
by cofty inlistening to clips of the latest manipulative video from the watchtower i realised how much i detest that word - jehovah.. sometimes i have thought it would be interesting to observe a meeting or part of a convention.
every time i heard that word i would be unable to stay in my seat.. i have a visceral reaction every time i hear it.
it stands for so much that i have contempt for.
I feel your pain. It doesn't bother me at all. What does bother me is using what one believes to be God's name in a highly selfish & nefarious manner making it a name to be despised. Now that pisses me off.
Probably why neither Jesus, nor one single apostle ever used "the name". It is not used one single time in the NT. Besides, there's only one name given for Christians to make known ... and it isn't Jehovah.
From a Biblical standpoint, It's like spitting in God's face when you ignore his will; which is to make Christ's name and activities known. JWs aren't ancient Israelites under Mosaic Law. They're supposed to be Christians.
I think you should stay. Remember being a JW meant you were never allowed to disagree. In fact, there was an intense fear of disagreement. It's a dysfunctional way of life, not to leave out the serious lack of social skills possessed.
Some do not know how to disagree. They do not know how to functionally argue a point. Their lack of common skills lends to them becoming hostile, bullish, and just plain mean.
It's the JW way to either be right or become angry at disagreement. It's a bad habit some have yet to kick.
You have already awoken to that behavior ... and no, neither you nor I have to put up with shit anymore. Skip the replies that have no value other than to inflame. Remain a member but take a break from the forum.
If the GB wasn't able to suck the humanity out of you and kill your spirit ....
Theocratic Warfare
by stuckinarut2 inno doubt we noticed the royal commission ask vin toole (and i think terry o'brien) about the expression "theocratic warfare"?.
they were asked to explain it and what is meant to witnesses.. vin outrightly lied when he said he "had never heard of that expression!".
i remember him using that term in conversations and talks many times!!
Lying is lying. It is not "theocratic" anything ... just lying. No such thing as theocratic warfare exists among Christians. Satan is the father of the lie.
Christians worship God with spirit and TRUTH.
Only those ashamed of the TRUTH lie when called in front of Caesar. No witness for the "Truth", just a bunch of lies. Fear of men. Evil slaves ... cowards!
Cooperate Members of the Watchtower Society
by James Jack ina older sister in miami florida has told me that the special pioneer couple who got their walking papers last week said they are also voting members of the watchtower society.
also his stock share is valued at $800,000!.
i did some research and spoke to some longtime witnesses and found out that there are 500 voting members of the society and they are also called shareholders.. has anyone ever of someone selling his share?.
Yes, it's a corporation with shareholders, voting members and such. Not all are JWS either. There's a shareholder meeting every year to vote for whatever. IIRC, Rutherford's extended family owns the majority of shares. Also, yes, you can sell your shares.
It's a business that has certain religious exemptions.
Why JW marriage is a huge problem for the organization.
by kneehighmiah inthe difficulty of finding a marriage mate is well known for sisters.
but i would say it's hard for brothers also.
i was talking to a jw last night.
Too much pretense. Both males and females pretending to be someone they are not to please people they don't even like.
As a JW you can't truly know a perspective mate with other people always around. The other person will be in constant 'guarded' mode so as to appear spiritual to the third party.
Also, too, the indoctrination is so overwhelming, there should be a warning that the GB controls the vertical and the horizontal. Your prospect has no mind of their own.(Something that God didn't even require of that douche bag Satan)
Which bible character do you hate the most?
by Bonsai inthe more i think about it, the more i feel an extreme dislike for the apostle paul.
he was on par with hitler in his treatment of the jews before he "saw the light".
he replaced jesus teachings of love and mercy with a more legalistic, pharisaical concept of devotion to god.. any evil person can come to believe in god and worship him if the scales were literally and miraculously removed from his eyes.
David, I give a pass. Guy was a sheep herder who was made king. It not like he was raised to be one. Plus, every time Solomon is mentioned, where David is concerned, it is always "by the wife of Uriah". Uriah is never forgotten. Knife twist to David. -
Which bible character do you hate the most?
by Bonsai inthe more i think about it, the more i feel an extreme dislike for the apostle paul.
he was on par with hitler in his treatment of the jews before he "saw the light".
he replaced jesus teachings of love and mercy with a more legalistic, pharisaical concept of devotion to god.. any evil person can come to believe in god and worship him if the scales were literally and miraculously removed from his eyes.
Hate, no.
Dislike: Jonah. He reminds me of the GB. Their heads would explode if people appealed wholeheartedly directly to Christ and God didn't destroy them.
Next, on my dislike chart is Noah. Gets all drunk, romps about naked, and has the gall to curse his grandson.
Lastly, Paul. Whining about being in chains. Er yeah, you're a murderer. No different than guys in prison today for murder who "find Jesus" and then preach to others. Stop whining.
We talk a lot about conditional friends on here
by cappytan inso, when people post about being shunned by their friends, i've heard several posters say things like, "their friendship is conditional.
real friendships aren't conditional.".
i'm sorry, but that just isn't really true.. if you and i were friends, there are conditions.
I'll chime in with: As a JW, you are not friends with the actual person, you are friends with the outward appearance the person emits. Half the time, you don't know who the person truly is. Too many have to put on a false persona to be "acceptable" among the group.