Posts by Lieu
Correlation decline JW numbers and JW broadcasting?
by Gorbatchov ini read some impressive figures here about the decline of the jw numbers in 2015.. could there be a correlation between this decline and the start of jw broadcasting?.
hence, that there would be an negative impact because the gb is standing so nearby, you can experience the idiot reasoning of their doctrines sitting in your own living room?.
the lett effect?
It's just cheaper. -
Jehovah went from love to fear--when?
by gma-tired2 inwhen i was a child and teen jw in 50s and 60s jehovah was always referred to as our loving god now we are warned not to fall in the hands of a god to be feared.
when did jws change god from loving to a cruel god?
Humans on a power trip make everything about fear. Machiavellian concepts. Its better to be feared than loved. Machiavelli was a creep.
Ignore it.
1914—The Turning Point in History - Really?
by berrygerry in1914the turning point in history.
30 from the human standpoint, the world troubles and global wars foretold in the bible were far from the thinking of the pre-1914 world.
german statesman konrad adenauer said: thoughts and pictures come to my mind, .
Kinda easy when post 1880, you say every year is "the year".
First an foremost, they have NO business trying to guess a date they're already told no one is to know. Since its Adventists roots, they have been trying to predict the time of "rapture". Considering the "rapture" didn't happen as Russell falsely prophesied, they switched it to an unscriptual INVISIBLE enthronement. Where the hell is that in the Bible again!?!
As for WWI, it may have been a terrible war in modern times, but it isn't the worst war or even the first worldwide war. It was nothing but another war between Europeans. Greece and Rome went all over the known world warring. Before them, the Assyrians and Egyptians. After them the European conquests of the Continents.(Now these were actually worldwide)
Also, too, the Gentiles Times have not ended or are the GB members Jews? The most powerful nation on Earth today Israel or the Gentile USA?
The problem with trying to interpret Biblical knowledge is European thought. It's a Middle Eastern text. Those were not Europeans in it or writing it.
The worst mistake in my life
by outofthebox ini did a cartoon (in spanish) about the worst mistake everyone makes.
i hope you like it..
Small correction of RunForever's general translation:
Since he stopped being a witness ....
No more printing of WT and Awake in my country.. Shit just got real
by cognitivedizzy inguys .
a letter was just read in out kh stating that all printing of wt and awake is ceased for the coming year and we will just place tracts on fs, countries which were cared by our branch will be cared by other countries...along with this they read the new fs form and stuff about reporting links of videos
i can't tell which country perhaps that will give away a lot, any one with a similar information.
Over a billion people and most of the poor. So I take it everyone in India has free internet & tablets? Or are those with tablets supposed to go to a KH for downloads? -
What would happen ??
by Clambake inthere is a certain elder in my wives hall that has seemed to developed a real interest her.
first he seemed to feel a need to make sure all her blood cards were signed before she gave birth to our child.. he sends her text messages if she misses a meeting saying how much " we missed you last night ".
he finally sent her a text wondering where her oct hours were , knowing she had some pretty serious tears from child birth and could hardly even walk, much less do field service ".
Find your balls man! She's your wife and a new mother, for goodness sakes. Tell him in no uncertain terms to LEAVE. YOUR. WIFE. ALONE!!!
Field Service????? Jesus sent mothers with newborns door to door? Is he CrAzY? This type of thing only happens when you deal with someone who has a serious case of the stupid.
"..Witnesses suffer from anxiety, depression, addiction...many have been lost to suicide. After reading this story, you may understand why.”
by Penelope1 infrom the book, the least of gods priorities, by bo juel.
please support bo in his efforts to expose the truth about the watchtower organization a secretive and destructive cult posing as gods organization on earth.
his publication is now available in paperback or kindle through check out chapter two--but grab some tissue first!.
How can one not be depressed when mentally/psychologically abused 2-3 times a week?
The control freaks get their control from constantly telling the "flock" they are never good enough or doing enough or giving enough. Who can take hearing 'you're a loser' all the time? Their sheep didn't get lost, they ran away.
Other Religious Groups Critical of Higher Education
by Wild_Thing ini was reading an essay online about how witnesses are critical of higher education and discourage it.
the editor's note said there are other conservative religious groups that hold the same view towards education.. there are?
do any of you know of any religious group that works as hard as the jws at keeping their members stupid?.
Likely some small church groups in the US South that see learnin' as folly. Also those family "religions" where the guy has several wives and zillions of kids. -
If I win the lottery
by eyeuse2badub ini haven't yet won the state lottery but i purchased a lottery ticket last night.
if i win the lottery, it's $150 million.. if i win, my name is publicly announced and of course my picture gets into the news.
i will probably get df'ed.. however, will the wtbts accept a hefty "donation' from my 'lucky' winnings?
Here, they cannot announce your name or show your pic unless you give permission. You can remain anonymous by Law. -
Judge questions whether confession privilege should extend to Jehovah's Witnesses
by GodZoo ina us judge is considering whether it is constitutional to have a law that protects the clergy of just one religious denomination from disclosing what is said to them in confession.
(including what's said in judicial confessions by peodophiles.
Simon is correct, IMHO. There's only one mediator and it isn't a human. Also, if you "sin" against someone, you are supposed to go to that person and ask forgiveness before asking God directly for forgiveness, not some un involved human 3rd party.
Confessional is an irrelevant non Biblical farse created by the very Europeans who created differing classes of Christian adherents from their pagan Roman and Greek customs.
Jews don't confess their sins to any man. Jesus & the Apostles were Jews.