As long as they don't have recurrences of the F.Franz lunacy or Rutherford tyranny.
Btw, welcome back!
hello first of all to those that remember me.
i'm doing well, 10 years since my missionary trip to cameroon.
i've met a couple of goals.
As long as they don't have recurrences of the F.Franz lunacy or Rutherford tyranny.
Btw, welcome back!
hello first of all to those that remember me.
i'm doing well, 10 years since my missionary trip to cameroon.
i've met a couple of goals.
But how could they put one guy in charge again after the Rutherford tyranny? Or the loon Fred Franz insanity? They both completely lost their minds on power trips.
Their whole problem is that they are running a business
another vomit-inducing study article.
would just like to highlight a few paragraphs from it (blondie would probably do a more in-depth analysis as usual):.
9 first of all, jehovah reveals the truth about himself.
Talk about your dysfunctional family. Parents a stealin', kids a killin' ... brothers boinking sisters ... a hot mess of all out turpitude.
There should have been an owl or something nearby to give Eve a warning. Maybe she'd only been alive a few days and with all the trees, you'd think a talking bird would say something.
another vomit-inducing study article.
would just like to highlight a few paragraphs from it (blondie would probably do a more in-depth analysis as usual):.
9 first of all, jehovah reveals the truth about himself.
Divergent, yeah pretty much my point.
The whole Cain and Abel episode tells me one thing: God doesn't like vegans because vegans are violent.
i read this quote at tom's site (thanks tom!
) and then looked it up for myself on the wt cd.
this is truly disturbing and shows their true mindset....this is from the nov. !5th 1952 question from readers.
Well, it isn't the "congregation's" disfellowship order since I doubt the "congregation" had any say in the matter. Maybe back in the 1950's JWs followed the scriptures and put matters to a congregational vote. But nowadays three guys not chosen by the "congregation" decide stuff in secret.
That whole JW lust for Mosaic laws is what should be put to death. If it doesn't apply to Christ, it is "old light". The problem with JWs is that their leadership has continuously refused follow Christ.
Matt5: [44] But I tell you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you, [45] that you may be children of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust.[46] For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Don't even the tax collectors do the same? [47] If you only greet your friends, what more do you do than others? Don't even the tax collectors do the same?
I don't see anything there about rock throwing at "enemies".
another vomit-inducing study article.
would just like to highlight a few paragraphs from it (blondie would probably do a more in-depth analysis as usual):.
9 first of all, jehovah reveals the truth about himself.
It's a good thing neither Jesus nor his Apostles owned a papyrus shop or worse, thought as JWs. The crowds of thousands would have been expected to happily return home with a scribbled scripture and growling stomachs ... like poor in means JWS leaving a Convention.
And what the fungolio do my precious eyes have to do with God's feelings of "love"? What if I were born blind??? What kind of numnut came up with that analogy?
what is the monthly stipend that the bethelites receive every month?
does any one has an actual number?
Why would they have to sign a vow of poverty? Are they monks?
Also, too, if they don't come from a rich family, they don't have money anyway. We are talking mostly 20 somethings with little more than a HS education working at a book factory, yes.
mans requirements are limited which can be satisfied with a little and tension-free endeavor..
however man attempts not only to collect but also to grab and amass everything to the excess.
somehow he feels that he can be happy only when he has in abundance whereas others have nothingwhich seems to be the thread that runs throughout the history.
I don't believe we are descendants of monkeys because with the right pepper sauce, monkey meat & brains tastes great! So soft, so sweet and creamy.
mans requirements are limited which can be satisfied with a little and tension-free endeavor..
however man attempts not only to collect but also to grab and amass everything to the excess.
somehow he feels that he can be happy only when he has in abundance whereas others have nothingwhich seems to be the thread that runs throughout the history.
When you think about it, that whole rapy thing wasn't without purpose.
We have the custom of carrying a new bride across the "threshold" of a house or some such dwelling. That actually comes from Romulus getting wives for his men. They killed the men of surrounding Italian tribes and carried off the women to be their wives; rape victims kicking and screaming. They had to drag and carry them into their houses. Yet, this custom which comes from mass rape is looked upon favorably today by Western societies.
Ancient people, ancient times.
Now, in the Bible if you raped someone, basically soiling her, you had to marry and take care of her. Gross, I know. But you couldn't run around like the Scandinavians just pillaging and raping. It comes from that whole Tribe of Benjamin incident. However, your raping activity was stopped there because if you rape another, you've committed adultery and that was punishable by death. In the ancient Middle East the rocks they used to bash your head in weren't small. That's what you get.
It's best not to rape.
mans requirements are limited which can be satisfied with a little and tension-free endeavor..
however man attempts not only to collect but also to grab and amass everything to the excess.
somehow he feels that he can be happy only when he has in abundance whereas others have nothingwhich seems to be the thread that runs throughout the history.