Only a dead fish floats with the current.
May the curse of thousand gnats infest your armpits. 😆
One who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes, one who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.
please post your favorites too.
my favorite quotations:.
you cannot change what you refuse to confront.. sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.. don’t think of cost.
Only a dead fish floats with the current.
May the curse of thousand gnats infest your armpits. 😆
One who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes, one who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.
i was asked to view the video “dear believer, why do you believe?” i said i would and i would publish my comments about it.
so here are my comments.
after my post, i hope other believers will post theirs comments about it.
Your summary has nothing to do with what's said in the OP. It's your fabricated opinion. How JW of you.
Also, Believer is new here. WTF do you think you're doing behaving in such a matter to a new exjw site member?
You think you're smart, maybe coy?
You want Believer to return to!!?? Worse welcome I've read on this site in over a decade,
i’ve been reading it for a few of years off and on, but have been a little too ... maybe ... timid to join.
i left the watchtower organization almost 20 years ago but never abandoned my faith and belief in god.
i knew the gb/organization didn’t represent god, so when i lost my faith in them, i managed to keep my faith in an all wise benevolent creator.
Wow ... y'all certainly do have a way of welcoming new arrivals. Glad this wasn't my introduction post after lurking and leaving the WT org.
This really blows chunks for a "welcome".
i was asked to view the video “dear believer, why do you believe?” i said i would and i would publish my comments about it.
so here are my comments.
after my post, i hope other believers will post theirs comments about it.
How odd, I didn't read that anywhere in the OP.
You were on the writing committee weren't ya DJS? Yeah you were. You're the guy inserting scriptures that had nothing to do with the content at the end of paragraphs. C'mon admit it.
Maybe there's some Friday happy hour stuff going on.
i was asked to view the video “dear believer, why do you believe?” i said i would and i would publish my comments about it.
so here are my comments.
after my post, i hope other believers will post theirs comments about it.
LostGeneration, IMO the only way to stop it is to install dictators everywhere. Of course, then freedoms get tossed and it doesn't really stop, it just moves underground. Stays underground until someone bumps off the dictator and ushers in a more open form of government,
i was asked to view the video “dear believer, why do you believe?” i said i would and i would publish my comments about it.
so here are my comments.
after my post, i hope other believers will post theirs comments about it.
LostGeneration, it can't be stopped. That's what freedom is all about. Free to believe or not believe in something. The problem is psychos and those who teach hatred. The large majority may believe similar things but only a minority run around blowing people up. They are called fanatics for a reason. They've been around since forever.
Without religion they'd find a reason to go kill.
i was asked to view the video “dear believer, why do you believe?” i said i would and i would publish my comments about it.
so here are my comments.
after my post, i hope other believers will post theirs comments about it.
Well, for someone who doesn't have much to say on the subject, you sure do talk a lot, DJS.
And why should you care what Believer thinks? It's all make believe nonsense, right?
Waiting for an explanation from me or something? Well, thanks for your concern that you "missed me at the meeting" brother, but I don't owe you any explanation why I wasn't there. Keep wondering.
i was asked to view the video “dear believer, why do you believe?” i said i would and i would publish my comments about it.
so here are my comments.
after my post, i hope other believers will post theirs comments about it.
Why can't you all stop behaving like the condescending JWs that you once were? No one comes here to be preached to ...
When someone doesn't want "your version of truth" you get pissed. They absolutely must believe as you do or get chastised? WTH????!!!!!???
We had enough of those type of people already!!! Looking down on those who don't think as you do and jumping to convoluted conclusions. How friggin sad! "You must believe as I do! You must believe as I do!" Screw that!
You've become what you once were just on the opposite side of the straw. Funny thing is, you don't even see it.
Now THAT makes me laugh.
i was asked to view the video “dear believer, why do you believe?” i said i would and i would publish my comments about it.
so here are my comments.
after my post, i hope other believers will post theirs comments about it.
Forget it. You'll just get a slew of atheist responses. The GB makes people haters. It's not hard to understand why they (GB) do a better job than Satan. Who they espouse sucks to high hell.
I certainly understand.
I don't hate, but I certainly understand.
hello forum.
i started this topic because i had been thinking recently about a story that i had heard many times in different congregations over the years.
kind of a jw urban legend if you will.
Yes, but I'm not certain who it was. God, Christ, an angel .... but I should be DEAD from several ambushes. When by myself, something told me, don't just run around the corner after that suspect ... some body was looking out for me. I should be dead. And I know it.
I did the dumbest stuff as a rookie police officer. I mean deadly DUMB that scared my supervisors and senior Officers.
That's all I have to say.