I think people like ConcernedJW (as well as many JWs) think of cults as only pertaining to the Jim-Jones-type. Like everything in life, there are varieties of most everyting. There are varieties of flowers, but they are all categorized as flowers.
What's interesting is that immitation [fake] flowers can contain many traits that could even fool someone into thinking it's a real flower. When ConcernedJW says JWs are an established religion, it reminds me of a fake flower. Sure, there are traits of that fake flower that make it appear to be authentic, but its not.
The WTS is NOT who they say they are. Upon close examination you realize it's a phony religion - of the cult-type! And, its own history and literature prove that it's a phony religion. They certainly are NOT led by God's Holy Spirit. The certainly have promoted and predicted false dates for the end of this world and thus the WTS proves themselves to NOT be an approved authentic prophet from God. So, according to its own claims, there are many traits that identify itself as "a fake" - they hypocritically joined the UN as an NGO but would disfellowship it's members if they joined the YMCA only to used its pools!
Joe Rutherford taught, Relgion is a snare and a racket. Boy, talk about throwing rocks when you live in a glass house! It kind of reminds you of how the WTS literature was inundated with critism of pedophilia handling in Christendom, all while the WTS was cognizant of a similar problem in their own house!
Thinking JWs eventually have to attempt to reconcile these problem. Fortunately, many have come to the accurate conclusion that their own religion is nothing more than a very elaborate scam! And, out of good conscience, they decide that they can no longer perpetuate this cult-like religion!