This is a great thread and it's a great post IloveTTAT. There as so many good replies (comments) here, too. You know, when I first started to investigate TTAT, I just wanted to know "the Truth". I wasn't interested in anyone's opinion. I wanted to formulate my own opinion and draw any conclusions based on "the facts". Of course, this lead to a lot of reading. I liked sites like JWFACTS, because it "proved" what the WTS said in the past - most of their errors are in print and others are found on "taped talks".
I was soon concluding that JWs are no different than any other religion that says it has the truth. Of course, that's not exactly true. And, here's what I mean. JWs are adament that THEY alone have "the Truth" and they shun anyone who leaves their religion. This lead me to conclude that they are a cult. But, that's not where it ends. I've concluded that this religion (The Jehovah's Witnesses, the WTS, and whatever other name is used to identify them) are a sham! That's right, they are a hoax - a so-called religion that "claims" to be the only truth, the only organization backed by God, etc. The facts (including their blemished history and record of changed doctrines) prove they are a fraud. And, I mainly aim that comment at the leaders of the WTS/Jehovah's Witnesses. The leaders are total frauds and they know it!
This is my conclusion based on years of reading "the facts" - so much of these facts are documented on the internet and easily proven by going to the source WTS literature. It's too bad that so many of us were fooled and taken advantage of. Most of us exJWs are really GOOD people and do good in their life! Thanks again to everyone for your fine input.