Indeed. Unfortunately the health and fitness industry is packed with what I call the "tripple F" - fake, fraud and fad. It stands to reason since it's a multi billion dollar a year business in the US alone so every scam artist under the sun is looking to cash in on the gullible and uninformed much to the detriment of their health and wallet. It doesn't just irritate me, it makes my blood boil. These charlatans are misdirecting all those in need of help in their greedy direction. The FDA just don't have the resources to focus on these rotten apples unfortunately.
Try setting your cell phone timer to go off every 30-40 minutes. Stand up from your desk and do some passive stretches (not forcing the stretches). Simply keeping your legs straight and letting your torso dangle with your hands towards the floor for two minutes then stretching up towards the ceiling with outstretched arms, imagining you're trying to touch the ceiling while standing on the tips of your toes, then clasp both hands behind your back and go into a low squat while trying to raise your joined arms up behind you will stretch every muscle in your body. Do each stretch semester for about 30 seconds. Repeat every day and I guarantee you will see noticeable results within two weeks.
As a side note, stretching doesn't only allow for supple muscles and connective tissues, but also a nice, elastic Hepatic portal system!
Sorry to read you suffer from something so debilitating. Have they figured out the cause of the migraines or have they simply chosen to treat the symptoms?
In your case should you decide to begin resistance training, I would only do very light weights with high repetitions until the muscles feel fatigues, but not sore! I would also highly recommend moderate walking and looking into yoga (not any of the many types of transcendental yoga). You can easily teach yourself by watching some excellent YouTube videos or reading highly recommended beginners books on the subject.
Whenever you feel that loss of appetite, try making yourself a protein smoothie with one of the excellent whey protein brands, your favorite fruit and skim milk. No matter how put off eating you are, it's hard to resist a delicious smoothie!