JoinedPosts by SecretSlaveClass
Thankful for
by jw07 ini'm still 'in' and this website is the only thing that's been keeping me sane for a long while.. knowing that i'm not alone, the success stories, and the constant update of breaking news that provides hope such as the exposure of the organisation at the hands of the royal commission makes me happy while i'm stuck in this dark hole.
that's so especially today when i'm dealing with a sht storm of personal issues and the pretending that everything is fine is just rubbing pepper into my wounds.
i'm thankful for this website and all you beautiful people.
A teerible situation to be in. Hang in there, things may still get worse for a while bit sooner or later it all works out for the best and you'll be able to lead the happy life any rational person would expect to live! :) -
Requested to have all the shepherding concerns in writing.
by quincemyles ini have not turned in a single field service report this year.
i decided not to, after noticing the simple flaw in the calculation of 1914. the implications are huge, i.e the appointment of the fds is a fraud.
i some days ago informed them of the private watchtower documents that are in my possession courtesy of the royal commission.
quincemyles: again referenced the letters of Luke to Theophilus and Paul to Timothy. It was individual elders to individual Christians. No pairs there. I requested for similar treatment. He said: "we'll be back".
This was very smart. I'm genuinely curious as to how they will go about combating your well thought out demands.
Geoffrey Jackson. Seems he will be compelled to front up.
by umbertoecho inpray for brother jackson of the governing body!.
in todays news from australia it appears that, despite his previous declination to appear when invited, justice mcclellan from the australian royal commission on child sex abuse will officially summon brother geoffrey jackson to the stand after all.. ..... the commission was due to conclude its hearings into the jehovahs witnesses on wednesday but justice mcclellan said he will now call geoffrey jackson, a senior member of the churchs governing body in new york who is currently in australia, to appear next week.. .
DD: Well put! -
How to spot: a single JW sister
by purrpurr ini remember this time of year when jw's desend en mass on one area.
a fun game to play is "spot the..." whatever jw walking stereotype you choose.. so i thought i would play it with you guys, starting with how to spot a single jw sister.. i say, she will be dressed up to the nines, probably over dressed in fact, have hair immaculately coffied, make up plastered on, towering heels and be smiling at every brother in site.
all they need is a sign saying "pioneer, virgin, available for marriage!".
Wow. Im not a fan of most hip-hop/rap but those lyrics and the composition were most enjoyable! -
This article indicates the org will consider policy changes
by defender of truth ini think they were just telling the arc what they wanted to hear.. what do you think?.
couple of interesting quotes:.
"mr o'brien, co-ordinator of the church's australian branch committee, told the commission the organisation was "open to change".. in evidence, he said the committee would consider the greater involvement of women in child sex abuse cases, clearer guidance for elders hearing allegations and better communication with victims and their families about their legal options.. mr o'brien told the commission the church did not have a redress scheme for sex abuse victims but would consider establishing one.. vincent toole, head of the church's watchtower bible and tract society, told the commission he would seek independent legal advice about the church's obligations to report child sex abuse to the authorities.. justice mcclellan asked mr toole if he understood there was a general obligation for every citizen to report crimes to the authorities.. "coming to this commission has been a wake-up call for me, i can assure you," mr toole said..
Pedophiles in Good Standing
by UnDisfellowshipped inhere is a very good quote you can use against the society from a watchtower publication that everyone knows: .
you can live forever in paradise on earth book, pages 187-188: .
"if church members who gamble, get drunk or do other wrongs are permitted to remain in good standing within their church, what does this show?
Well those claims don't really correlate with what we know the Branch Office manual states. It's easy for an individual to stand up in court or before the press and be dismissive of the policies when there's no hard evidence to the contrary. However with the documentation procured it makes it a little more difficult to be convincing. -
Jw kids setting off fire alarms in hotels
by purrpurr ina friend of mine is staying at a hotel next to one of the big convention sites this weekend.
yesterday she tells me one of the hotels had to be evacuated and the fire brigade called when the fire alarm went off.. it turned out to be a bunch of jw kids having a prank.
she had been speaking to the hotel manager who told her that this happens every year and only when the jw's come to stay!.
Do you remember the 15 minute break at the Sun. meeting?
by 3rdgen ina poster on another thread reminded me of when there was a 15 min.
break between the talk and the wt study on sundays.
the break was supposed to be to allow jw's time to drive their bible studys home from the talk.
Interesting. We never had that ... -
Pedophiles in Good Standing
by UnDisfellowshipped inhere is a very good quote you can use against the society from a watchtower publication that everyone knows: .
you can live forever in paradise on earth book, pages 187-188: .
"if church members who gamble, get drunk or do other wrongs are permitted to remain in good standing within their church, what does this show?
Possum: provided he he was able to testify. -
Pedophiles in Good Standing
by UnDisfellowshipped inhere is a very good quote you can use against the society from a watchtower publication that everyone knows: .
you can live forever in paradise on earth book, pages 187-188: .
"if church members who gamble, get drunk or do other wrongs are permitted to remain in good standing within their church, what does this show?
My fantasy: catch a pedo alone somewhere isolated, just him and 6'4 230lb me ...