If a JW got that on his arm he could rack up pioneer hours just hanging out at the park.
That made me laugh. Thanks!
I almost got a tattoo in the military then decided against it. I far prefer the look of clean, healthy skin. There are two kinds of tattoos I detest:
The "tramp stamp" - nothing says "I'm trash" like these do, even though it may not be true of the person at all. Social stigma I suppose.
The "Tough guy" - usually barbed wire or tribal designs around the bicep. It's not so much the tattoo that's the problem, but almost every guy I knew or know with one tries ridiculously hard to portray the character of a "tough guy" and are invariably bullies. Of the dozens I know or knew who had them, only two were real tough guys who also happened to be among the quietest, gentlest people I know. I'm willing to bet you're also one of the latter sort, Stealth.
I remember back in the day when tattoos weren't as common as they are now and were largely confined to sailors, ex-cons, military types and bikers. Now fourteen year olds have them .... SMH.