I am having a hard time figuring out why you would say to Pork Chop what you said from what he wrote. I quess how you read something can be interpreted from where you are coming from yourself in your own experiences. I did not take Pork Chop's comment to mean that he was defending the molesters, but that he thought that simply that the number was to high. I was thinking the same thought that Pork Chop was, that just because someone says something, doesn't make it so, not even when someone in an "authoritive" position says it is so. That is critical thinking. With critical thinking comes another thought. Show me the study that produced these figures. It is easy for anyone to say anything, something like this needs backing up. Show me where this was "reasonably tested and supportive. How many where in the study? Where was the study done? Was it done in the inner city or in the rural areas. What part of the country was it done in? Which country was it done in? Was it a controled study? How were the victims identified? How were the accusers identified? The list goes on and on, yet we here have seen no proof.
And before you might think that I am defending child molesters, don't. As Waiting and a few others here know, I too, have personal experience in this area. I have been molested and I can't imagine that the several people who came at me had 299 other victims. Each of them couldn't have hide their activities, and surely would have been found out and stopped and procecuted. 300 people, even children, and in some cases, especially children, are a lot to keep silent. The molester would have a full time job just keeping them quiet. The molester would have no time for the "normal" life that most of them present to the "outside" that is necessary to carry on as molesters, or more would be caught.
Averages are funny things anyway. They really don't mean much per individual. To get the average of 300, one molester could only molest one child. Another could molest thousands. But still that figure of 300 per molester sounds to high to me. even 50 sounds way to high to me. Most molesters do have more than one victim, possibly several, but not 300 each. Even the big time cases that hit the news, such as molesters in day care centers and priests in the churches, don't have such high figures, even when you figure that some didn't come forward. My opinion, anyway and in no way in defense of molesters!
As Always,