The grounds pass is a separate issue - it is not issued by the library. The question Alward raised was access to the library not access to the grounds, for he demanded a letter from someone in the library. He stated:
Show me a letter from someone who was at the Dag Hammeskold Library in 1991 and who would have been in a position to know about any changes in admission requirements,Thus Alward wanted information about access to the library by someone who was there in 1991 and I supplied it. Now Alward is now talking about convenience of access and not the possibility of access. That is called shifting the argument. In itself that is not a central issue for the argument but it does show how Alward operates - much as does the WTS itself. It also demonstrates how Alward initially misread and misunderstood the WTS statement since, by the quote above, he incorrectly assumed - and still assumes - that the WTS was talking about access to the library - as opposed to access to research materials in general.
Note carefully what the WTS says
Our purpose in registering with the Department of Public Information as a nongovernmental organization (NGO) in 1991 was to have access to research material available on health, ecological and social problems at the United Nations library facilities. We had been using the library for many years prior to 1991, but in that year it became necessary to register as an NGO to have continued accessTaken literally this statement is talking about access to research material as opposed to access to the library specifically. Research material might include, for example, conferences which NGOs would have access to in addition to the library. The WTS throws in the clause about the library to ensure that that connection is made by the reader, but it does not say "access to the library" it says "access to research materials" and the second reference to access clearly refers to the first.
In the limit, the WTS statement is true - for NGOs obviously have access to information that non NGOs don't. And, it might have become necessary to get such information for reasons internal to the WTS - reasons having nothing to do with the UN. By these devices any carefully worded statement can be literally true while actually misleading the reader.
What Alward doesn't understand is that such deception is actually lying. It is a childish, but effective, trick. For example, I have observed JW elders lierally step outside the house in a rainstorm when the phone rings - just so that the wife can say truthfully; "he's not in."
Alward simply does not understand how the JW mentality operates. No one can fault him for that - but he can be faulted for his arrogance in assuming that he does understand the minds of JWs and exJWs. He does not - few do who have not been JWs.